Sunday, July 24, 2011

Two Months Old!

She getting really good at sucking her thumb!

Really, where has the time gone?! I almost can't remember life without her but it's already been two months! Things are starting to calm down and I'm getting used to the chaos of three kids and I think my body is getting used to the exhaustion (even though she's a good sleeper, I'm just running around a lot more during the day). Life is just really good right now even though it can be tough!
I took Gwen into the doctor for her two month check up and found out that she has an ear infection. Poor girl! I knew she was sick because she was congested and just plain miserable. She would hardly eat anything and she was making me really nervous because she would only eat about two ounces and then start crying in pain. The saddest thing was her little cry and raspy voice! Now she's on antibiotics and she's eating better so things are looking good. I was surprised to find out that she weighed 10 lbs. 10 oz., putting her at the 40th percentile. I didn't think she gained that much weight but I thought that much of a gain would've put her at a higher percentile. Guess that shows how much I know! She's grown three inches, now she's at the 23 inch mark, putting her in the 70th percentile. Another surprise. So she's long and skinny and stinkin' adorable! She didn't get her shots because she was too sick so we'll have to do that this week as well as pack up the house, clean, re-paint the living room, move and there was one more thing... oh yeah, take the BAR!!! Jeff, Kapri, and Krew are coming up this week and this will be the first time the boys have meet their cousin. It'll be fun having them here and I'll be putting them to work! :)

Don't forget to check out her one week pics! Didn't see them? That's weird... maybe it's because I just barely posted them... maybe. :)

I couldn't not post these pictures...
Carson is still smitten!
Gwen is loving her play gym and looking at books. She's getting good at grabbing at things and cooing. She smiles all the time and loves it when you sing to her. For the most part, she sleeps really well. Usually she'll get up once at night and go right back down but since she's been sick and not eating very much, she's been getting up more. She's really strong and has rolled over from front to back once (it was a fluke but still exciting!). We're looking forward to when she starts laughing, should be pretty soon!
We love having Gwen in our family!


Melissa said...

She sounds like she's doing great.
That last pic looks like Reese.
Good luck with this crazy week.
We all need blessings.
It'll be nice to be over.

Krysta McClure said...

Sounds like a busy, beautiful life! We can relate! Ever wonder how one can be so tired and happy all at the same time?

Keep doing the wonderful job you are doing!

Ashley said...

Holy Cow, she looks exactly like Reese. What a little sweetie pie!

Lacey said...

I love that first shot, so cute!Good luck this week!!!

Kayleen said...

All I can say is SAWEET!

Connie said...

Oh Man!!!PICTURES!! YAY!! Its been TOO LONG!! I was thinking she looked just like your baby pictures and then the last shot where she is smiling.....well, that is a Reese look alike to me!! I wonder if she will be as big a dare devil and without fear like he is?!?!?! I hope you don't have to raise your accident insurance!! :) Totally adorable!!
ps Her eyes look dark, are they brown or dark blue?

Terri said...

Jenny, she's adorable!

I think I've seen that face somewhere before...

BAja said...