Thursday, February 17, 2011

25 weeks

So... I've been completely exhausted this pregnancy. I kept thinking back to my other two and wondering if I was this tired and I don't think I was really. People kept saying that it's because I have two boys to chase around in addition to being pregnant, which is a totally logic excuse but I was working and going to school up until the day before Carson was born so that wasn't making sense to me. I figured it was because I was getting older but I'm only 25 for crying out loud! I should still have plenty of energy! So another thought was that I needed to start exercising again so my friend (who's due a day after I am) and I started going to water aerobics but Went to the doctor and sure enough, my blood pressure is too low! I was shocked when she told me this because I've never had bp problems before and the fact that it was too low was even more strange. Since I hadn't fainted and wasn't experiencing any dizziness they're not going to worry about it now but the last few months, my bp has consistently been dropping. I looked up symptoms online and it's pretty much regular pregnancy symptoms; fatigue, shortness of breath (I can barely walk up the stairs without having to take a breather), loss of concentration (it's been a lot more difficult working on homework the last few months), fainting/dizziness, nausea. So that explains it! It's nice to have a little bit of validation for being so lazy! The doctor says to just take it easy, stay hydrated, and to come in if I faint or feel dizzy. Good thing that Ryan is so awesome and picks up the slack around here!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Carson Quote of the Day

Mommy, you have a squishy gumball bum!

I knew it!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Carson started swimming lessons a few weeks ago and he has taken to it like a fish to water! :)
It was a nice surprise since soccer was pretty much a flop. I love that he's old enough to be enjoying activities like this! Lessons are only once a week but he has really improved in the short amount of time he's been going. Of course we've always joked that Carson was our fish (with Reese as our monkey, I wonder what animal we're going to have next?!), he's always been a little too comfortable in the water. Pretty much no fear at all. He'll just jump right in without a second thought! I'm fine with it if he would rather be a swimmer than a soccer player, but I'm not so sure if Ryan is going to give up that easy!
 There was a couple of times that I got a little nervous watching though I have to admit. They actually have them dive down to the bottom and pick something up! I just about jumped in after him! But it was no sweat for Carson.
 At the end they got to jump into the water and afterwards Carson came up to us with a big grin on his face and said "I jumped the biggest and made the biggest splash!"

If you have a second, hop on over to CJP and tell me what you think of my use of the word "garish".

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Carson Quote of the Day

Why do everyday you tell me I'm cute? Is it because I'm a genius?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Check out sweet baby Ryan!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Carson's Interview

I found this interview on a blog and thought that it was a great idea! I think I'll start doing it every year on their birthday.

Q: What is your name?
A: It starts with a 'C,' Carson.

Q: How old are you?
A: 3

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Red

Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Jory

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: Maybe giraffes and elephants

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: Maybe a tractor farmer

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Maybe Dino Squad (except he calls it 'Dino Squat,' makes me chuckle every time!)

Q: What is your favorite book?
A: Maybe dinosaur books

Q: What makes you happy?
A: Maybe T.V. and going to church and blowing bubbles

Q: What makes you sad?
A: Nothing makes me sad (really? that was a shocker!)

Q: What is your most favorite food to eat?
A: Maybe corn and sticky quesadilla fingers (he means sticky finger quesadillas from Wingers but the funny thing is that he thinks they're too spicy and never eats them! I thought for sure he'd choose strawberries, mangoes, and blueberries since that's pretty much what he's eaten the last few days.)

Q:What is your favorite song?
A: Blue Bird (it's actually titled "Whenever I Hear" and he requests it almost every night when he goes to bed)

Q: What games do you like to play?
A: Tractors at Grandma Connie's house. They have boy tractors. I like to read my scriptures. (I swear I'm not putting words in his mouth! That's exactly what he said! Not sure how the two are related though...)