Saturday, February 23, 2013

Reese recited

Ryan: look my sun stamp doesn't have hair.
Reese: yeah, he looks just like you!

Reese recited

"I think I heard something. I think it was grandma Connie."
"No, I don't think so. It must have been something else."
"It must have been the Holy Ghost."

Monday, February 11, 2013

Love Notes

I just realized I never finished posting this one...

We told Carson that we were going to skpe Kyle and Emily later that night. He went and got a piece of paper and asked how to write "awesome head." Totally his idea! He wanted to write them a note to show them on skype.

There's this girl in his primary class that I guess a lot of the boys have crushes on. Carson is not the exception. We went to their house for dinner and when he went home is was nonstop "can Kelsi come over and play, can Kelsi come over and play?" It was a couple of days later before she was actually able to come over but they played like they were married. Which, if you know Carson, is completely not like him. Red flag #1.Then the second she left he ran and got a piece of paper and wrote this love note... "This is for you Kelsi." It's pictures of them playing together. Carson hates drawing/coloring. It's a fight trying to get him to do anything like that I think maybe because he's a little ambidextrous and it's confusing to figure out which hand to use let alone how to use it. But for him to actually want to draw something for someone is huge. Red flag #2. I think this boy has a crush! 

This is the school picture they took at the beginning of the year. He's so cute. :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reese recited

The ugly duck...
The fugly ****...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Reese recited

Dad, I'll go to your concert. Will that feel good on your feelings?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Reese the skier

Reese tried skiing for the first time this year. He did about as well as you could expect from a three year old. I doubt he'll be as obsessed with it as Carson and Ryan are. He seemed to have just as much fun hanging out in the loft as he did out on the mountain but he might just need to grow into it a little bit more.

Carson the goof

Never a dull moment around here!

Gwen is our little spit fire. She's so dang cute and she's got soooo much personality! She's really loving babies and dolls and she'll ask us to pretend that she's a baby. "Baby Gwen. Baby Gwen." She's just so dang smart too! She already knows all the colors and she loves to draw. My mom always said to pray that your kids are dumb and ugly because the cute and smart ones are trouble. I guess I'm in over my head!

Tuckered out

Tuckered out Spider Man. It's tough recovering. :(

Winters are tough in north Idaho. Literally half the year is snowy and rainy so any time the sun comes out you have to take advantage of it. And yesterday we did! Even though I was emotionally and physically exhausted from the last week of Reese recovering from his tonsillectomy, it was so refreshing to get out in the sun if only for a few minutes. I don't know if its because I'm getting older and I'm just really learning myself and my body or if this is a new development in progress but I definitely get seasonal affective disorder. I wonder if the big "d" (depression) word is just going to be a part of my life and maybe I should just accept it instead of fighting against it. Wow. Just realized that this post took a completely different turn then what I had originally planned. I think I'll keep it though. Not to get attention or sympathy but because sometimes its good to look back on challenges. And if nothing else, when my kids look back maybe they'll be able to see themselves in me and my battles and be able to figure things out through my experiences. At least that can be my hope. Just keeping it real.

What I was going to say for this picture was...

Great day yesterday! The sun finally to decided to come out so we drugged up Reese and headed out on the bikes! Fun times!! :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Reese recited

Reese got his tonsils out on Monday. He did really well at first but then once the scabs started coming off he was in a lot of pain. I called the doctor tonight and he got him a prescription for hydrocodone. He's finally able to eat and drink. Such a relief!! As he was eating I asked, "are you doing alright, Reese?" He responded, "No, I'm not doing alright. I'm doing super alright!"