Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rain, rain.. went away?!

It's a miracle! We've had a couple of days of decent weather! It's the end of June and we haven't even been on the boat yet. It still feels like May! Remember back in March when it was super hot? What's going on with the world? Signs of the times I guess.

Anyway, I wasn't the only one excited about the sunshine. I haven't seen Carson that happy in a long time! I don't think I have ever gotten so many pictures of him smiling... so I'm going to post a lot of them...

Then this little guy thought that he could run with the big dogs...
Turns out... he could!

He even went down the slide by himself!

And my favorite picture of the day...
Yup, peace out. And word to yo motha!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day Festivities

We had a great day celebrating Ryan and what awesome guy he is. He requested waffles with fruit and whipped cream for breakfast. The boys were in heaven! Don't they looked enthused? 

 Have you seen that Friends episode where Chandler and Monica are taking engagement pictures and Chandler can't smile normally in front of the camera? We're pretty sure Carson has that disease. Hence, this was the best family picture we could get out of about 20...

Don't get me wrong, we have the cutest little boys in the world with the personalities to match, but when I pull out the camera, he gets a little retarded. Oh, well! We'll still keep him!

For dinner, Ry requested Macaroni Grill Chicken Milano (which I didn't get a picture of because my battery died), followed by presents and cupcakes with the Fuquas!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Carson Quote of the Day

Heavenly Father's Day to you Daddy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bleeding Hearts

I love these little flowers! They might be my favorite!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Going, going, GONE!

That's good stuff!


This is the best video ever! I saw it on a friend's blog and just had to share. You won't regret watching!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Photos From Firth

This is the "Smurf." It's been around long before I was born. When I lived at home it was just an old truck but now that I'm looking at life through a 50mm lens, I see things differently. Could this old truck really be considered "art"?

A little Jenny history for you...
I think this cement was poured in 1989. Back then, there was only 3 out of the 5 of us that were born.

And this was a "tree house" we made. Pretty pathetic, I must admit, but we were proud of it and it was still fun to climb.

Shifu's New Home

Reese's Vocab at 15 Months

Teeth (doesn't say it but you when ask him he'll open his mouth and say "ahhhh")
Bum Bum
Bye Bye
Night Night
Buzz [Lightyear]
Splash (for bath)
Prayers (he folds his arms everytime and stays still for almost the whole prayer and sometimes he'll fold his arms and starts mumbling with inflection like he's saying the prayer. Totally adorable!)
And a couple of nights ago he was being super crabby and crying like he was in major pain. So we gave him some Mortin and baby Oralgel and put him to bed. The next morning, his fifth and six tooth (one being a molar) had broken through!
He has two emotions: He's either screaming in pain because he's fallen from something he managed to climb up on or he's laughing and smiling like nothing could ever go wrong in th world.
He usually looks like a bruised banana.