Monday, August 30, 2010

From Firth, to Utah, to Boise, and back- the sequel

I almost forgot about the ReAL soccer game Saturday night after the wedding stuff. 

The boys had a great time, including Ryan. It's always funny because Ryan turns into a different guy when he's watching soccer, especially when it's an important game. He would've played in college if he hadn't gone on a mission so maybe he relives the glory days when he's watching. Men and their sports.

When we were in Utah we also went to see the Kennecott Utah Copper's Bingham Canyon Mine. 
It's incredible! I was a little sad to see the "damage" they had done to the mountain but then Ryan reminded me that this is just one mountain and it's out of necessity. I had no idea how much our everyday routines use copper.
Pretty much everything has copper in it as well as the other metals they are extracting from the earth. 
But the equipment they use is insanely huge!!!
This is one of the tires for the dump trucks. Look at little Reese next to it!
See the size comparison to the 18-wheeler and pickup?
 See the electric shovel? That thing can scoops up approximately 98 tons of material in a single bite, a weight equivalent to about 50 automobiles! It costs more than $20 million and weighs 3.2 million pounds! The dump trucks can carry from 255 to 320 tons of material in a single trip! Amazing!
I think they put up this sign specially for Reese!
The boys loved the big trucks and tractors!
And have I mentioned Reese's newest obsession for trains?
His little "choo choo" is so dang cute!
I've already forgotten the details of our trip but I think that sums up our Utah adventure and that's not all! Next up... Boise!

Carson Quote of the Day

We were outside having a little picnic and Reese kept asking for a second string cheese stick. I  kept telling him no because he already had one and then big brother to the rescue says,

"But Mom, he's a string cheese monster!
 And you're a caffeine monster!"

What can I say? I love me some Diet Coke and that the only excuse I can give him so I don't have to share!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Carson Quote of the Day

"Oh my gosh crap!"

Gold Star Awarded to...

Melissa Nakaya!

She guessed stings from in insect and that's right! It was a yellow jacket! I don't know if they're bites or stings but the stupid thing got him FOUR TIMES IN A ROW!!! For some reason he's been really interested in bees, always trying to play with them. We tried to teach him not to touch but I guess this was the best lesson. Now he's always saying, "no! no! ouchy bees!" Poor kid. It was really sad because his eyes got all swollen and he looked so different. That picture was taken two days later. I guess we now know that he's not allergic to bees!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

From Firth, to Utah, to Boise, and back

We've had a really busy two weeks! It all started when my sister, Jocey, asked me to take the Firth High School drill team's team pictures. So I loaded up the boys and we headed down to Firth. We pulled into town right in the nick of time! 
It was a tough shoot but more on that later...

We came right in time for wheat harvest and of course Carson loved riding in the combines and tractors! Reese, on the other hand, wasn't too sure how he felt about it. It's such a pretty time of year!
After a few days in Firth, we met up with the Crandalls as they were passing through and we all headed down to Utah for Tucker's wedding. While we were staying with the Fazios, Carson busted his lip over by falling into a bookshelf. We would've taken him to get a stitch but then we would've missed the wedding so we decided to wait until after. By then, the swelling had gone down and it was looking fine. Not only that, Reese broke a pair of Suzy's prescription glasses so I doubt that we'll be invited back any time soon. :) 

On Sunday, we went and visited Grandma Ferny and Grandpa Jay. They were so cute! They had a little picnic table all set up for the boys with snacks and muffins and bubbles! 

It was so sweet of them! But then Grandma brought out the big guns...
She made these HUGE rootbeer floats for Ryan and me but then Reese wouldn't share so she brought out TWO more for each of the boys! They obviously enjoyed themselves! The only way I could get Reese to sit still for this picture was to give him more rootbeer.

Monday, we went to visit Grandma Leah Bodily. I'm so glad we did because that going to be the last time we'll see her in this life. She passed away yesterday morning. She was 93!
After visiting Great-Grandma, we went to the Hogle Zoo. I was so excited for the zoo, probably more so then the boys.  We spent all day there and saw everything there was to see. And I couldn't help but thinking that the zoo is kind of a weird concept. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad we have them and they're tons of fun but I must be getting older because it's kinda weird seeing these animals that are supposed to be scattered around the world in just one place in Salt Lake City, Utah. I don't know but we'll enjoy them anyway.
Reese's is making his elephant noise in the picture on the right. Really cute!
Look at how cute this little guy was! He was just sitting there... hanging out.
This was Ryan the previous life... a sloth. :) At least he's cute!
We went to the bird show too. They had some pretty incredible birds but we only got to see half the show because one of the hawks took off into a tree and they couldn't call it down so they had to end early to get the bird! Awesome! 
The birds were zooming right over our heads! Look at out close they were and this was zoomed out!

Of all the things to see and do at the zoo Carson wanted to ride the carousel and Reese wanted to ride the train.

Okay, well I need a break from blogging so here's as good a place to stop as any. Maybe I'll get some more up tonight or tomorrow. And I'm sure you're all on the edge of your seats... :)


See those four little scabs on the bridge of his nose? Gold star to whoever can guess what caused those four little marks.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My dad's spuds are famous!

If you're in Boise, head on over to Five Guys on Eagle Road in Meridian. I hear their french fries are especially tasty!

Carson's First Day of Preschool

Today was Carson first day of preschool. The teacher said that there was two hours of no crying and she considered that a success. He was only there for four hours! I figured he'd have a hard time. It took him a year before he would go to nursery without problems for crying out loud. I was excited for him at first because I knew that he was ready, that he needed some structure and some time outside of home to make friends and learn some independence. But this morning I woke up second-guessing myself. I wasn't sure if I wanted to let him go. I knew he was hesitant and that made me wonder if he was ready. But when I picked him up and calmed down I think he really did enjoy it. They have two bunnies in the classroom and he really liked talking about them. They played outside and of course he loved that. So I'm sure he'll be okay, it'll just take some adjusting to. I guess what it come down to is that I can't believe we have a kid that old enough for school!

Ryan's 28th Birthday!

Yup, just one picture. That's it. Horrible, I know. Let's just say that we've been busy... and that means a lot of blog posts to come after I put my house back together.

But Ryan did have a good birthday, at least that what he told me. Started off with a nice big, fattening American-style breakfast with french toast, eggs, and bacon. Then he headed off to school for his first day of his last year of school for the rest of his life. Then me and the boys jumped in the car and tour through Moscow trying to find a decent birthday present and I must admit that we done good. He got him two books, The Federalist Papers and John Adams, some clothes, and a new microphone for recording. Once he was done with school, we picked him up and headed to Cd'A for his birthday dinner with the Crandalls consisting of yummy steak and potatoes. More presents and then apple dumplings, or "dumple applings" as Carson calls them. Then we stuffed the car with as much stuff as we could and headed home. I make myself feel better about botching his birthday by saying that I went all out last year so I guess that means next year I better bring it!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The moment you've all better waiting for...

yeah, right! But I just like to think that there might be someone out there that gets as excited as me about photography...

Here's Alia...
Yeah, I know... she's gorgeous!

The lucky guy, whisking her away


Monday, August 2, 2010


These boys have become the best of friends. 
They have so much fun together!
They tease and wrestle and sometimes it's not just Reese chasing Carson...

They are both total Daddy's boys
but they love their momma too.
And you can tell that these boys have a special bond,
that they're more than just best buds, because this little man
is responsible for showing this little man
how to take his sandwiched apart at lunch.
Nothing short of brotherly love right there.