Friday, August 27, 2010

Gold Star Awarded to...

Melissa Nakaya!

She guessed stings from in insect and that's right! It was a yellow jacket! I don't know if they're bites or stings but the stupid thing got him FOUR TIMES IN A ROW!!! For some reason he's been really interested in bees, always trying to play with them. We tried to teach him not to touch but I guess this was the best lesson. Now he's always saying, "no! no! ouchy bees!" Poor kid. It was really sad because his eyes got all swollen and he looked so different. That picture was taken two days later. I guess we now know that he's not allergic to bees!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'd like my star in REAL gold thanks.
Now I can try to pay off our student loan!!