Wednesday, August 3, 2011

September 15th...

... will mark another major day in the Crandall fam for two reasons:

-it's the day we will find out if Ry passed the bar. 9:00 am. We know he passed but there's always that little nagging "what if" in the back of your mind that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Ya know?

-aaannnndddd that's also the day we will be closing on our house! We heard back from the bank about our offer on a short sale and now all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed. Ry and I officially moved from Moscow yesterday (it was a very long day!) and now we're staying with the Crandalls until we can move into our new home. We're really looking forward to it and it'll be great living in a real house (one that we don't have to share with renters) with a garage and backyard and basement. Yay for real life!

Gwen update: The amoxicillin didn't work for her right ear infection so I took her in to Urgent Care on Sunday and the infection is now in her left ear too. So she's on augmentin with numbing drops.  She's already doing so much better and is back to her happy self! The first night we put the drops in her ears, you could tell she finally felt relief and slept 8 hours! I hate thinking that I have to put my two month old on a stronger antibiotic but I'm glad that she's finally feeling better. I'm guessing that she's going to be like her daddy and have lots of ear infections but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be wrong!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Carson Quote of the Day

You're the best mom of my whole life!