Friday, November 9, 2012


So I gotta get out my two cents. I don't feel like any one person can have an opinion without someone taking offense and getting upset and angry so I'm writing it here so I don't have to listen to someone give me a tongue-lashing. I'm not a debater. I'm not quick and clever and I don't know the ins and outs of politics. But I do know I'm so sick of the all the crap! I'm sick of stupid people who don't understand or just don't care what will really happen to our country. I'm tired of being lied to. I'm tired of feeling like my vote doesn't really count. I'm sick of feeling completely helpless. I'm so sick of the hipocracy!! When Obama was elected for his first term, tons of African Americans voted for him just because he was black but now you're telling me that if someone were to vote for Romney for the sole purpose of being Mormon, that's irresponsible? That's not the only reason I voted for Romney but voting for him based on his beliefs rather than his skin color is a lot better judge of character! Because being a Mormon means something. It means high standards, real morals, a good work ethic, selflessness, integrity, honesty, commitment. I'm sick of people's ignorance!

If you can't tell, I'm in the "angry" stage of the grieving process from the results of the election. I was shocked at first, then so depressed. I had a really hard time keeping it together. All Wednesday morning I was really weepy. Now... I'm just pissed. I am so upset that the citizens of the awesome nation would chose such an arrogant, idiotic, socialist president. I had so much hope that Romney would win. I really thought Americans would see through Obama and choose a man that has real experience to pull us out of the mess we're in. Romney had the skills and experience to turn things around, I really believe that. You would think that the last four years would be proof enough what a joke Obama is. Look at what's happened with him in charge! It's optimistic to think that things, at the very least, will stay the same. But they are only going to get so much worse.

Honestly, I fear for my kids. I sorrow for my kids. What have we done to their future?? They won't know the real America and what being an American really meant. We are going to crash and burn, hard. I won't be surprised if we have another 9/11. Now, before I start getting over-dramatic, he is only in for another four more years. But look at the damage he's caused already. Now there's not a third term to reign him in and to at least attempt to keep some reasonable order. I honestly can say that I think the Second Coming will be in my lifetime. I haven't really thought that before, maybe the possibility, but now time has definitely sped up. This has been the first time in my life that I see the scriptures literally coming to pass. Throughout the whole election campaign I just kept thinking that these are the times of the "Kingmen" and the "Freemen". How sad that we actually voted to have our freedoms taken away! Check out Helaman 5:2-3. That's talking about us, now!

A lot of people (including Republicans and members of the church) are saying that we need to come together now and compromise and find common ground. Forget that! Every time there's a compromise the line just keeps getting moved and pushed farther from what's morally and ethically right. There's so much acceptance for sin and tolerance for evil. It's sickening! If you keep reading in Helaman 5 it goes on to teach how important missionary work is. I find that to be true more than ever. People need to know what's going to happen in order to see what's really going on in the world. I'm so grateful that I have the knowledge of what's to come and how it will end. 5:9: ...remember that there is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, who shall come; yea, remember that he cometh to redeem the world. Even though there is evil all around there is still good. And even though this rant has been negative, I still find comfort in the gospel and knowledge that our Savior will come again. God is good and He will provide a way and He is in control. He will guide and direct us as long as we are faithful. He will uphold the righteous. God is good!

Two cents, done. :)