Monday, July 30, 2012

Carson Quote of the Day

Guess who's the awesomest...

Grandpa Mike because he got us fresh-out-of-the-ground potatoes!

Guess who's the next awesomest...

Great Grandma Clawson because she lives next to Grandma Connie and Grandpa Mike.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Reese Recited

Daddies go to work and Mommies make quesadillas.

The 4th

This was quite possibly the best Fourth of July ever. I think last year I was thinking that the 4th might be my favorite holiday but this year decided it for me. It was a great fun-filled day and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. It had been raining for weeks and weeks beforehand and this really was like the first nice day of the summer but it wasn't hot. Just totally perfect. So we started off the day with pancakes at the Crandalls and this year we decided to have a flag ceremony since the boys are getting old enough to understand the importance of the holiday. Ryan read some of the Constitution which was really perfect with all the political drama going on right now. I must be getting old or something because I couldn't help but get teary-eyed. I feel like this is such a pivotal time for our country and it was great to just think about how it came to be, to get back to the roots and to see everybody celebrating our country's birth.

After our flag ceremony we headed downtown for the parade. It was pretty long but we had a good spot and we weren't dying from the heat so it was fun. Gwen was captivated! She loved every second! 
At one point in the parade, a float for robotics came by. Carson was sitting on Ryan's lap and this guy comes up from behind him and asks him what his son's (Carson's) name was. Ryan told him when he realized the guy was a part of the float and a second later the robot says "Happy Fourth of July to Carson! Carson sitting on Dad's lap!" Carson thought that was pretty awesome. The best part of the parade though was the Batmobile. I have to admit that it was very impressive.

We headed home to jump in the "pool tub" and have some lunch.

Later on we had an BBQ with friends.

Then we headed to the dock for the fireworks. The Crandalls rent a dock on the lake and the owner usually comes during the summer for the 4th so we haven't been able to go but this year the owner said he wasn't going to come. So we got to use the dock instead and let me just say that that is the way to go! It was so beautiful! It was awesome not having to deal with the crowds and other people swearing and smoking (like last year). And we were able to light off our fireworks before the show so afterwards we just went home and went to bed.

Gwen wasn't a fan of the fireworks at first. She would get upset when they started popping but after a while she warmed up to it. She didn't love it but she couldn't tear her eyes away.

Reese Recited

Gwen started getting a fever last night and woke up sick this morning. Reese noticed that she was sick and said that he wanted to give her a "blessing." Gwen and I were snuggling on my bed so he climbed up with us and started saying a prayer... "Thank you for this day, thank you for our blessings. Thank you to give Gwen a blessing. Thank you to Gwen because she has a fever. Thank you for this day. Amen."

He is so sweet! He's going to make a great dad someday!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Reese Recited

Wow, Reese, you're a big eater!

Yup, I'm getting to be as big as an elephant.

Pointing to his chest, I'm almost getting to have hair right here!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Lost" Vegas Part 2

Day 3: Busy day! Started off at the Stratosphere. Ryan, Jocey, and I went to the top and rode the rides while Mom and Dad took the kids to lunch.

Afterwards, we headed to Circus Circus so the boys could get a chance to ride their own rides. Poor Reese though, he could only go on three rides because he was so small. It'll be the story of his life I'm afraid. Just as well because he wasn't really crazy about them anyway. He likes to flip and jump and be crazy but I guess roller coasters aren't his thing. So we took Reese on the three rides that he could and then Ryan took Carson on the other few that he could go on and Reese and I went to the arcade.

Carson, on the other hand, LOVED the rides! Look at that grin!

We got this minion out of one of those claw machines! I've never actually been successful at those before and we got this one first try! I was definitely more excited than Reese was. :)

While we were at Circus Circus, my parents were waiting in line to buy some tickets to a show they wanted to watch that afternoon. So we met up after that and went to see the animals at the Mirage. We got there when the trainers were out with the dolphins which was really cool to watch. We got to be right up next to them!
After the trainers were done we went underground to watch the dolphins and one came right up to the window where the boys were and just sat there looking at them and right as I was pulling out the camera, he took off. Pretty cool though!

They had some cool animals too! I was really wishing I had my DSLR just so I could get some decent shots of the animals.

My parents went to their show and then we went to eat at the Treasure Island buffet. My mouth is watering just thinking about it! So good! The kids loved it too! I wonder why...

After that we went to see the volcano explosion. We were right up close which ended up being a bad thing. After a few seconds, Reese started crying and then it had a ripple effect on the other two. In their defense, it was pretty instense! You could really feel the heat from the flames. This is the before picture and you can see it in their faces that they were already nervous to begin with. Carson kept asking if it was really lava but even though we assured him it was all pretend, it was just a lot for the little ones to take. But honestly, it was the only thing that the boys could watch. All the other shows on the strip were way to scandolous. The whole time I kept thinking that this will be the last time we bring our family here, for a long time at least. I would not bring an 8 or 10 or even 14 year old boy there. Way to much to "see" for such young eyes. Although I was surprised at how many family things we could do. I thought we'd spend most of our time at the pool but during the day there were lots of things to do with the kids. But everything changed at 8:00. Good thing that's bedtime!

Day 4: I hadn't yet been to the pool and since it was our last day and we had to be out at 10:00 we packed up, checked out and went to the pool.

My boys really know how to lounge by the pool!

Once we were done with the pool we headed over to get our picture taken with the famous Vegas sign. There we ran into the most rude and ill-mannered woman ever I've ever met so we didn't stay long. Carson's trying to "fix" his smile again. Breaks my heart. :(
 Then we headed over to the M&M and Coca-Cola store to look around before we had to take off.

 The kids did really well on all the flights and a lot of people complimented us on how well-behaved our children were. Which was a huge relief because that's always the worst and hardest parts of vacations, the traveling. We were quite the sight though! Two adults, three kids, two strollers, four carry-on suitcases, a huge diaper bag, backpacks for the boys, a laptop bag, a pack and play, and two carseats. It took us a while to get on the airplane and get settled but for the most part, people were really helpful and understanding. We had to kick a few people out of their seats and there was only one guy who pouted about it because he didn't get the window seat but it was either change seats or sit next to Reese and I honestly didn't care either way. He chose the other seat. :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Reese to the Rescue

I just want to start off be saying that I love my kids. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I'm so grateful to be a mom and that I have three beautiful, healthy, smart children who have so much personality and zest! Seriously, my kids are awesome. Carson has been difficult for me though. It's probably because we're both stubborn but we're constantly clashing. I get really frustrated with him sometimes because he just doesn't really want to do things for himself or fix his own problems. But lately Reese has been taking on the big brother role.  For example, Carson was telling us his experience when his cousin soaked the other three boys with the hose. Carson said, "...and then the other four of us were soaking wet!" Reese replied, "You mean the other three of us were soaked?" Reese will help and teach Carson how to do things like how to do a somersault or how to climb the tree a different way. And then just now, Carson was on the toilet having a meltdown because there was no more toilet paper. Reese to the rescue! Reese came running into my room, "Mom, Carson needs toilet paper!" I yelled at Carson that there was some under the sink. Carson started freaking out even more because there's childproof locks on the cupboards and he couldn't open it. Reese runs back to Carson, "I'll show you how to open it! You have to push that little lever down. No, you have to push it harder! There you go! You did it!" Reese taught Carson how to open the childproof locks. Those are just some recent examples and I'll probably add more as they happen. I'm not trying to make Carson sound dumb because he's not. I'm trying to make Reese sound smart because he is. I think that kid is just really smart, almost too much so for his own good. And I'm realizing that everyone in our family has a role and a place to fill and I think Reese's role (at least for now) is to be the mediator and example. I feel like even I'm always learning new things from Reese. I'm not sure why he came second in our family because I feel like he takes on more of a an oldest child personality but in any way, I'm glad he's in our family. I'm glad that we can work together and make a great team.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Reese Recited

I'm awesome. I have great eyes for finding. I have strong teeth for eating lunch and dinner.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I finally took Gwen's one year pictures and you can see more of her cuteness HERE but for the family blog, I wanted to document her life...

This little lady is full of personality! She's a handful but in a good way. She drives me crazy but I'm so glad that she's busy and curious. Even though she loves attention, she doesn't like to perform. She'll rarely repeat what you want her to, she'll most likely respond "no." That's her favorite word. She says it constantly. Gwen loves her brothers and tries so hard to keep up with them. The three of them are really getting to be good friends. They play together really well. She's got great older brothers that look after her and are totally smitten with her. Carson and Reese are always repeating to us things she babbles or things she does. They think she's just the cutest, funniest thing. Carson will do anything for her, even throw away dirty diapers! Gwen has the cutest facial expressions. She loves to smile with her nose crinkled and she likes to purse her lips, most likely because she's just said or getting ready to say "no." And the little devil knows what it means! She knows what she does or doesn't want and there's no changing her mind! Those flips in her hair are natural and I'm still debating if their angel wings or devil horns. It just depends on the moment. :) She gets a lot of attention wherever we go but that's not a surprise because she's so stinkin' cute! We took the stair gate down because she's pretty much taught herself how to go down the stairs. I tried teaching her to go down on her belly but that just didn't work for her so she just decided to go down on her bum. She's really careful and controlled about it too. If she slips, she'll catch herself and say "woah." Gwen is a climber! I'll turn around and she'll be on top of the dining table laughing and smiling, knowing that she's in trouble. She loves music and she'll swing her hips side to side and it's just adorable. I've even caught her singing and dancing but then she got embarrassed and stopped. She's my pickiest eater and refuses to be fed. Every first bite she takes she makes a face. She has five teeth with two more on the way. She's fascinated by birds and airplanes. One of my favorite things is when she holds my finger while we walk. Gwen still loves to growl and constantly does her monster voice. She's spitfire and a sweetheart and there's nothing better than Gwenny hugs. We love having Gwen in our family!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Reese Recited

If you go into a cold hot tub, it will drown all your ouchies away!... See, I was right!

Ryan was teaching the boys about why we celebrate the 4th of July. Reese totally got it.

It's so we can be free like the genie on Alladin

Sunday, July 1, 2012

"Lost" Vegas

Reese was able to find "Lost" Vegas. :)

We had a great vacation down in Vegas with my parents and sister. They had come up a week before and then Jocey stayed with us and flew down to SLC where we met up with my parents and we all flew to Vegas. My mom had extra points for her time share so we got to stay in this really nice 3 bedroom presidential suite on the top floor. It was awesome and I'm bummed I didn't get a picture! It was really nice having our own room for our family but still being connected with everyone else. Kapri and Krew drove up and stayed with us too so that was awesome.

Day 1: We went to the Shark Reef Aquarium at the Mandalay Bay Hotel.

Carson is trying to fix his crooked smile :( in front of one of his favorite venomous reptiles, Komodo Dragon!


Jellyfish are bizarre. How are they living things?

This one had it's teeth showing which was pretty creepy and then there were these weird sharks that would just lie in the sand. It's a completely different world in the ocean!

Day 2: We hit the Outlet Malls that morning and then went to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch.

That night Ryan and I went to a Cirque du Soleil show, Mystere. It was the coolest thing! Those acrobats are amazing! It's like they are just out there playing around while defying gravity. Incredible!

Since this is turning into a huge post, I'll stop here. Day 3 and 4 will be another post.