Thursday, July 29, 2010

So true!

I came across this rant on another blog and had to re-post it.  Photography has become more than a hobby for me, it's become a passion.  I feel like I've wasted so much of my life because I've only recently gotten into it.  I don't claim I'm professional but I would like to be some day.  The more I learn and read, the more I want to get out and take pictures and I honestly can't get enough of it!  This is embarrassing to admit but sometimes I'll wake up a night, not being able to go back to sleep, because I'm thinking of techniques to try, angles to explore, and places or people to photograph.  So when people give credit to something/someone other than the photographer, it's hard not to take offense.  When someone's art isn't fully appreciated, or when they think they could do the same thing without effort, it sucks, but even worse, it hurts.  There's a lot more to photography then just having a nice camera or a good-looking model.  So read this article and tell me what you think.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Carson Quote of the Day

Carson needed to get some lab work done so we were sitting in the patient room waiting for the nurse and this was our conversation...

C: Oh, Mom! Your toenails are beautiful!
J, a little taken back: Thanks, do you like this color?
C: Yes, but I like Grandma's better.
J: What color are Grandma's?
C, waits a minute: They're sparkley! (emphasized with tinkle fingers) 

(mine are on the left, Grandma's are the right)

Who needs toys?

The boys played with these suitcases for forever! Reese first came up with the idea but then Carson joined in and pretty soon they were "driving" all over tarnation! I kept having to help Carson do up his "buckles" with the old school straps they have inside. Such awesome imaginations!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Carson's First Campout

Ryan went on a little overnighter with his dad and scout group. Carson wanted to go so our compromise was to set up a tent in the backyard. He loved it!
We made a little fire

Ate some s'mores

and then had some fun!
After I learned how to photograph fireworks I wanted to try this with sparklers but we went through them too fast. So we used flashlights instead. It was so fun! Took some practice but look how cool they turned out!
We could've done it for hours but 11:00 was late enough for a three year old. So we called it a night and Carson spent the whole night outside with Dad in the tent and Mom and Reese were the smart ones and spent the night in a nice comfy bed inside.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fun Stuff

We've been havin' lots of fun so I figured I'd biggity blog about it...

chillaxin at the beach

runnin in the Buzz Sprinkler

and playing at Jump-a-Lot

Good times. That's probably why our summer seems to be flying by!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July Wrap-up

Over the Fourth, we found out that Reese is very patriotic.  He loved all the flags!

The boys made these crazy hats in nursery. They're AWESOME!!!

We got to celebrate the Fourth with a big old Crandall Family Reunion! There was about 60 of us all together. Here's some of us at the parade.

And speaking of cousins, have you heard of Madison Leonard?

That's Ryan's cousin and she WON Junior Miss! How cool is that?! If you're interested, here a video:  
Not only that, but she got to be a part of the Coeur d'Alene parade! Now that's braggin' rights. 
Some more pics of the parade...

Later that night, we watched the fireworks from the Leonard's dock. I didn't get any pictures then because I had to chase an 18 month old around. But I got to practice firework techniques when we put on our own show back at the Crandall's.  I love shooting fireworks! You never really know how it's going to turn out!
Carson kept asking if he could have more "sprinklers."

We had a  lot of fun hanging out with family that we haven't seen in a long time and eating really good food.  The weather wasn't terrific so we didn't get to spend a lot of time swimming or boating but we still had fun singing karaoke, painting fingernails, hot-tubbing, and watching movies. And now I'll leave you with an absolutely adorable picture of Reese's Pieces...