Monday, August 30, 2010

From Firth, to Utah, to Boise, and back- the sequel

I almost forgot about the ReAL soccer game Saturday night after the wedding stuff. 

The boys had a great time, including Ryan. It's always funny because Ryan turns into a different guy when he's watching soccer, especially when it's an important game. He would've played in college if he hadn't gone on a mission so maybe he relives the glory days when he's watching. Men and their sports.

When we were in Utah we also went to see the Kennecott Utah Copper's Bingham Canyon Mine. 
It's incredible! I was a little sad to see the "damage" they had done to the mountain but then Ryan reminded me that this is just one mountain and it's out of necessity. I had no idea how much our everyday routines use copper.
Pretty much everything has copper in it as well as the other metals they are extracting from the earth. 
But the equipment they use is insanely huge!!!
This is one of the tires for the dump trucks. Look at little Reese next to it!
See the size comparison to the 18-wheeler and pickup?
 See the electric shovel? That thing can scoops up approximately 98 tons of material in a single bite, a weight equivalent to about 50 automobiles! It costs more than $20 million and weighs 3.2 million pounds! The dump trucks can carry from 255 to 320 tons of material in a single trip! Amazing!
I think they put up this sign specially for Reese!
The boys loved the big trucks and tractors!
And have I mentioned Reese's newest obsession for trains?
His little "choo choo" is so dang cute!
I've already forgotten the details of our trip but I think that sums up our Utah adventure and that's not all! Next up... Boise!


Melissa said...

Great shots Jenny.
We seriously need to go to the copper mine.
It looks fantastic.

Ashley said...

when I was little they let the kids climb inside that tire and play, guess not anymore