Sunday, February 3, 2013

Winters are tough in north Idaho. Literally half the year is snowy and rainy so any time the sun comes out you have to take advantage of it. And yesterday we did! Even though I was emotionally and physically exhausted from the last week of Reese recovering from his tonsillectomy, it was so refreshing to get out in the sun if only for a few minutes. I don't know if its because I'm getting older and I'm just really learning myself and my body or if this is a new development in progress but I definitely get seasonal affective disorder. I wonder if the big "d" (depression) word is just going to be a part of my life and maybe I should just accept it instead of fighting against it. Wow. Just realized that this post took a completely different turn then what I had originally planned. I think I'll keep it though. Not to get attention or sympathy but because sometimes its good to look back on challenges. And if nothing else, when my kids look back maybe they'll be able to see themselves in me and my battles and be able to figure things out through my experiences. At least that can be my hope. Just keeping it real.

What I was going to say for this picture was...

Great day yesterday! The sun finally to decided to come out so we drugged up Reese and headed out on the bikes! Fun times!! :)

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

I know that those winters really affected me for sure!! About this time of year you really start to feel the gray skies and being inside all the time. I totally know how you feel. Its been weird to be in Arizona for two winters and have it be perpetually sunny. Its a weird feeling to have you body almost shift gears when winter starts, but then it never comes. You feel so out of whack! So I'm on the opposite end. I miss the cold for sure. Hang in there lady, the feelings your experiencing are totally normal for sure! Miss your beautiful face. :)