Friday, February 4, 2011

Carson's Interview

I found this interview on a blog and thought that it was a great idea! I think I'll start doing it every year on their birthday.

Q: What is your name?
A: It starts with a 'C,' Carson.

Q: How old are you?
A: 3

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Red

Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Jory

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: Maybe giraffes and elephants

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: Maybe a tractor farmer

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Maybe Dino Squad (except he calls it 'Dino Squat,' makes me chuckle every time!)

Q: What is your favorite book?
A: Maybe dinosaur books

Q: What makes you happy?
A: Maybe T.V. and going to church and blowing bubbles

Q: What makes you sad?
A: Nothing makes me sad (really? that was a shocker!)

Q: What is your most favorite food to eat?
A: Maybe corn and sticky quesadilla fingers (he means sticky finger quesadillas from Wingers but the funny thing is that he thinks they're too spicy and never eats them! I thought for sure he'd choose strawberries, mangoes, and blueberries since that's pretty much what he's eaten the last few days.)

Q:What is your favorite song?
A: Blue Bird (it's actually titled "Whenever I Hear" and he requests it almost every night when he goes to bed)

Q: What games do you like to play?
A: Tractors at Grandma Connie's house. They have boy tractors. I like to read my scriptures. (I swear I'm not putting words in his mouth! That's exactly what he said! Not sure how the two are related though...)



Kayleen said...

Those are some treasures!!!!!

Franny said...

Oh my goodness...He is so cute!!! I can't believe some of these darn cute! Thanks for sharing made my day!

Becca Bingham said...

Very cute! I love how he started almost every response with "maybe!"

Keri said...

I sing that song to Joel every night before he goes to sleep too! So sweet.

Missy! said...

so super cute! I think asking those every year is an awesome idea.

Melissa said...

I like this Jenn.
I think it's great.

Sarah Ruth Ritchie said...

This is fun. Thanks for sharing Jen!!

Ashley said...

ha ha so cute, I think that is a great idea!

The Larsons said...

I love it! I love the idea of writing down exactly what THEY say - since I usually do a little info on them each birthday, but I fill it out with what I think are their faves. BTW, Becky Higgins is one of my dear friends - we were friends in Cleveland (her husband was in residency, and mine in dental school), before she was super "famous". :) Glad you've happened on to her blog. I was talking to Stacy about you moving up here this summer. It will be fun to have you guys even closer - as we have yet to meet. :) It would be fun to do some photography together!

Starlie and Nate Schmutz said...

cute cute cute idea! and i love the big boy picture