Thursday, July 7, 2011


So the Crandalls are really into P90X. Carson and Reese decided to jump on the band wagon and join in on the fun. Everybody started working out and getting hot so Alex and Cameron took their shirts off and of course, Carson and Reese took the hint and took their shirts off too. But Reese took it a step further when I looked over and he was buck naked! Didn't get a picture of it, but it was pretty hilarious! Carson actually did the whole one hour workout. I was really surprised that it held his interest for that long.

Carson Quote of the Day: Mom, smell my breath... is it sweaty?

In other news, Carson has learned how to pump himself on the swings finally. It's been so nice not to have to push him! He's always loved the swings and will go forever! This one day I left the boys at the swingset while I brought in the laundry. I looked out the door and this is what I saw...
Carson pushing Reese on the swings, both boys laughing and having the best of times. It was so sweet I had to take a picture! Carson said that since I was busy and he already knew how to pump himself that he would have to be the one to push Reese until I got back. These boys are the best of friends!


Melissa said...

So cute.
Love the sweaty comment.

Kayleen said...

What a great big brother! You have a cute family!