Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Reese Recited

He didn't pull his chair out far enough and got stuck while we were eating dinner. He asked us to

Open me up!

This was my conversation with Reese...

J: Reese, you're cute.
R: No I'm not.
J: Oh, are you smart?
R: No
J: Are you dumb?
R: No
J: Are you ugly?
R: No, I'm Reese.
J: Are you strong?
R: I don't know. Yes.
Carson: How strong are you?
R: I don't know. Um, I'm old. I'm like two!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Two Months Old!

She getting really good at sucking her thumb!

Really, where has the time gone?! I almost can't remember life without her but it's already been two months! Things are starting to calm down and I'm getting used to the chaos of three kids and I think my body is getting used to the exhaustion (even though she's a good sleeper, I'm just running around a lot more during the day). Life is just really good right now even though it can be tough!
I took Gwen into the doctor for her two month check up and found out that she has an ear infection. Poor girl! I knew she was sick because she was congested and just plain miserable. She would hardly eat anything and she was making me really nervous because she would only eat about two ounces and then start crying in pain. The saddest thing was her little cry and raspy voice! Now she's on antibiotics and she's eating better so things are looking good. I was surprised to find out that she weighed 10 lbs. 10 oz., putting her at the 40th percentile. I didn't think she gained that much weight but I thought that much of a gain would've put her at a higher percentile. Guess that shows how much I know! She's grown three inches, now she's at the 23 inch mark, putting her in the 70th percentile. Another surprise. So she's long and skinny and stinkin' adorable! She didn't get her shots because she was too sick so we'll have to do that this week as well as pack up the house, clean, re-paint the living room, move and there was one more thing... oh yeah, take the BAR!!! Jeff, Kapri, and Krew are coming up this week and this will be the first time the boys have meet their cousin. It'll be fun having them here and I'll be putting them to work! :)

Don't forget to check out her one week pics! Didn't see them? That's weird... maybe it's because I just barely posted them... maybe. :)

I couldn't not post these pictures...
Carson is still smitten!
Gwen is loving her play gym and looking at books. She's getting good at grabbing at things and cooing. She smiles all the time and loves it when you sing to her. For the most part, she sleeps really well. Usually she'll get up once at night and go right back down but since she's been sick and not eating very much, she's been getting up more. She's really strong and has rolled over from front to back once (it was a fluke but still exciting!). We're looking forward to when she starts laughing, should be pretty soon!
We love having Gwen in our family!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The 4th

We had a great 4th of July this year! It finally warmed up and it was the perfect weather for the 4th. 

 We went to the parade during the day and then headed out to the beach later on. Afterwards, we came home and had some ribs then lit some fireworks to get pumped up for the real show. We were going to lite the rest after the firework show but the boys fell asleep on the way home (I didn't blame them!) so we postponed it till the next night.
(I wanted to get a picture of Reese's reflection in Carson's sunglasses but this was the best I could do. My hands are pretty full these days!)
 Shrek float?
And Gwen slept through it all!

 Carson has found his love of riding bikes. Everyday he asks if we can go on a walk so he can ride his bike while I push the other two in the stroller. I think he loves it so much partly just to give him an excuse to wear his helmet. He is always wearing his helmet! See... told ya.



 Gwen (sleeping through it all, again. But I'm not complaining!)

Happy Fourth!

In case you didn't know, my boys are awesome!

My favorite Disney show is Tangled. It's funny, there's great animation, I love the characters, but my favorite part are the songs! I downloaded the soundtrack and have it playing in my car all the time... hence, my boys have all the songs memorized! These are for you, Grandma!

We have this Halloween book called Halloween Jack. Reese has been obsessed with it and wants to read it all the time. He now has it memorized and we start a quote from it at random times and he can always finish the sentence. Smarty pants!

I haven't gotten the chance yet, but the next video I want to post will be of Carson "speaking Spanish." So stayed tuned...

Random mix of the past few weeks

Insane. That's pretty much what our lives the past few months with three graduations, two trips to Utah, one wedding (reception, bridal showers, and family dinners), a mission call, looking for and buying a house, and throw in having a baby in there and that about sums it up! There's not much more that can be crammed into such a short amount of time! So rather than break it up into a million different posts, I'm just going to shove the highlights all into one and call it good.
Kyle and Emily got hitched! This is at the Crandall reception. I can't believe there's six grandchildren on the Crandall side now! They were married down in Utah so in-between the wedding and the reception in Cd'A, the kids and I spent some time at my parents.

I hadn't seen Janette Wood in a long time and I'm so glad that we were finally able to get together! It was great catching up and two hours was not enough time! These three were the best of friends when we were neighbors in Moscow. Gracie and Carson picked right up where they left off.

(Carson took this picture that's why he's not in it) We really miss not having this family next door!

Jordan took the boys on the motorcycle. I only caught the last bit of Carson's ride but you can tell he loved it!
Reese's turn...
He looked like Lord Helmet in his underpants!

On a sad note, Boise has struck again! We lost two more of our favorite people because they are moving to Boise. So we had lots of dinners together at the end to try and hold us over until we can see each other again and one night, Daniel and Reese were "hat buddies."

Here's a little glimpse of Gwenny smiling. She's smiling a ton more now and it's just the sweetest thing! 

Jocey came to stay with us for two weeks and we loved having her here! We went to the arboretum to have a picnic (the boys loved it so much that we actually went twice) and since I had an extra pair of hands to help with the kids, I dared to break out my camera and take it with us. Here are the results...
In case your wondering, yes, Carson has overcome his fear of being in front of the camera. He's always wanting me to take pictures of him and to take pictures himself. In another post I'll have to show you some of his pictures. But I love this one of him, messy face and all. It's such a genuine, sweet smile. And in the second one, it totally looks like a little Jenny when I was his age!
Peek-a-boo, times two!

Click HERE to see more!

Gwen's Blessing

Ryan blessed Gwen on June 5th. We had both sides of our immediate family there and it was such a great experience. I love that Ryan has the authority to give our kids this great gift. Gwen looked beautiful and was absolutely perfect during the entire meeting. What a great day!

My mom and I each made a little shoe the night before. They were so cute and little! They looked like temple shoes! I hope that Gwen will be able to keep them and bless her little girl in them.
These pictures were taken when she was one month old. In a few days I'll have to post pictures of her at two months. Time has gone by so fast but it feels like she's been here for forever!