Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas Unwrapped, part 3

Hollywood Studios was up next. 

We went on the Tower of Terror a couple of times but I have to say that I was a little disappointed. I remembered it being better. I thought it dropped you more then what it did and I found out that I don't really like that feeling of being dropped. Weird.

But the coolest ride at Hollywood Studios, and almost the best ride of the trip, was the Rockin Roller Coaster. You walk in and it's like you're in a studio with Aerosmith and they have to get to a concert so they invite you to ride in their stretch limo. And it takes off super fast, it totally took my breath away every time! That's the face I made in the top left picture, I couldn't help it! Super fun!

Beauty and the Beast show was actually kinda lame, definitely not as a good as the Lion King, but it was nice for some down time. And this was also when my battery ran out so all the pictures from here on out were on my mom's camera (p.s. mom, I'm going to get you a better camera. No offense, but that one just doesn't cut it!).

Later on, we went to a stunt show that was really cool and Carson loved the explosions! His favorite part was when the bad guy caught on fire at the end, should I be worried?


Melissa said...

I love your face in that pic.
Love it.

Starlie and Nate Schmutz said...

wow fun I love disneyland! So would you say that taking your kids young is worth it? we are trying to decide- or should we wait a few years?

Krysta McClure said...

Looks like the trip of a lifetime... I'm impressed you did the rides while prego.

By the way... posted a few more pics on that post today if you are interested in looking...

Thanks for the compliments!

Any girl names yet?