Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas Unwrapped, part 1

This year we spent the Christmas break with my family. We drove down to Firth and a couple days later we flew to Orlando but don't think it was that easy. We left Firth at midnight, drove to SLC to arrive at the airport at 4 a.m., flew out at 6 a.m. and landed in Orlando around 4 p.m. It was not the most pleasant trip but when we did finally get to our destination, we had a blast! Traveling is just really hard with kids especially with a 2 year old!

We were hoping to avoid some crowds so we decided to spend Christmas day at Animal Kingdom.

 Even though it was Christmas, it really didn't seem like it because there was no snow. They did have these big Christmas trees and some decorations in all the kingdoms and occasionally you would hear Christmas music but it was probably because we away from home that made it feel weird. I don't know.

There was a gorilla exhibit that was really cool. Carson kept asking about the gorillas and once we got there, he fell asleep and missed all of them but one!

 Everyday, in every park, Disney has a parade. I really liked this parade because of the different floats, they were really cool and creative!

Carson's reaction when he first saw Mickey was priceless! He was so excited! 
Sorry the focus is off! I know I'm supposed to be a "photographer" but I asked Ry to get me a point and shoot for Christmas specifically to take on this trip because I didn't want to bring my big SLR around everywhere. And I'm so glad because there was not enough room in the suitcases and most of the time I had to keep pushing a stroller and just hurry and snap a quick picture while walking. The little cam did pretty well but I stupidly forgot the charger and it died the last two days!

The safari ride was really cool too! Lots of cool animals that you don't get to see everyday or ever. A rhino and her baby came right up to the truck even!
Best picture of the day down below!

Little petting area that the boys liked...

It was a big day!

This is the mountain to the new yetti ride. It was pretty fun, but not my fav of the trip, I'm saving that one for last! 

This was the one and only time the boys actually met Mickey. The lines were really long for just about everything the entire week and I figured waiting in line for a 1/2 hour to see Mickey was enough. 

The Animal Kingdom had two shows, the Lion King and Finding Nemo. The Lion King was really cool and everyone's favorite.

This was just the first day and already this is a long post! It's going to be quite the ordeal getting the rest of the week on here, we'll see if I make it!


Melissa said...

I can't believe you did all of that in one day.
I'm tired just reading this.
It looks like tons of fun though.
You're brave doing this with the little ones.
Dru and I have yet to go to Disney Land or World.
I'm not sure we ever will.

Ashley said...

I did't know you were going to Orlando for christmas. I am so jeaous, Alex and I had so much fun living there and being able to go to Disney whenever we wanted. I LOVE LOVE seeing all your pics, brings back such fun memories. I am excited to see the rest.
Good for you doing Disney pregnant, I bet you were so tired!