Friday, September 25, 2009

Uh, oh!

Look at what I caught this little stinker doing this morning! I'm in for big trouble!!!

The other day, Reese woke up from his nap and I didn't hear him until he was pretty upset and when I walked in the door he gives me this sour face and starts yelling "mumumumaaa." He wasn't too happy that I had forgotten about him!

Reese woke up during the night and I went in to give him his pacifier and I was feeling around his crib for the binky and felt a wad of something. I picked it up and it was his diaper! I felt around again and then found bare buns! I don't know what happened but it's a good thing I went in there or I would've had to be changing sheets instead of just a diaper.
Just as a side note... Ryan was the one who changed his diaper before he went to bed. I think he needs more practice, what do you think?

We love Reese! He is so sweet and happy but he just cannot stand being left behind! He's so motivated to get up and moving because he has to keep up with Carson. Sometimes he gets so frustrated because Carson can just run circles around him. But Carson and Reese have become quite the little buddies lately. It's so stinkin cute!!! All day long I hear Carson saying "Reese follow me! Reese follow the motorcycle! Come and get me Reese! No, Reese, over here!" It's so nice to have them getting along and playing together, for the most part anyway (although when Carson wants to play with his own toy, Reese seems to think that that's the only fun toy in the house). I think Carson gets just as frustrated that Reese can't run around too! It won't be long though! Reese is to that stage where he's into everything and he gets himself into tight situations.

Lately Carson has been the stinker when it comes to bedtime. Reese has been going down so well but Carson cries and yells and jumps around until about 9:30-10:00 until he finally crashes. I figured he must be getting too old for naps since he's staying up so late. I wasn't too upset to take away his naps because it seems I'm waiting for a boy to wake up all day long, Reese takes a nap in the morning and late afternoon and Carson takes one in the afternoon. They just switch off. Anyway, after a few rough days having Carson crash around 5 or 6 and then finding him on the floor like this...

This picture says it all! A passed out toddler amidst chaos!

I decided that he should still probably have at least a little nap.

Carson has now come up with his own language, including swears. He'll start off talking normally and then go off into non-sense words and then laugh at himself saying "is that funny?" But when you get him mad he'll purse up his lips, scrunch his eyebrows and yell "YOU POOTER!!!" Still no idea what it means exactly but can't be good.

I always start off my stories by saying "the other day..." so to mix it up a little bit: A couple of days ago, I dropped Ryan off at school and was driving up the hill to our house. There was a car coming the opposite direction and that's where my attention was when out of the corner of my eye a brown furry something comes darting out into the street. It was so fast that I wasn't sure if I actually saw something until I felt the bump of something being run over. Carson yells "bumpies!" and I look in my rear view mirror to see a poof of fur. At the time I just thought it was a squirrel but later that day when I went walking with a friend I found out it was a bunny! A cute brown bunny! Can you believe that?! Since when do bunnies run around this area of town? I see squirrels all the time but no, I had to hit the only bunny within a mile radius. I'm sure I'm going to get swine flu now from karma.


Melissa said...

We've got that same toy, in the pic' of them both facing the other way!!
It needs new batteries though cause it sounds all weird.
Masaru was the same as Carson. I vouched for no nap and bed at 7:30pm
It's awesome.

Clare said...

Cami more often than not doesn't take a nap these day, but if we get her in the car anytime during the afternoon or evening she's out.

Brynne said...

Your boys are adorable. I just found Jay standing up in his crib this morning! Luckily we don't have stairs! :) Sad about the bunny!

Shantelle said...

Cute pictures! I love your stories too. Love ya!

Natalie said...

Great stories! I can't believe he is venturing for the stairs. What a cutie.

Sarah Ruth Ritchie said...

Wow! That was a lot in one post but it was really fun to read. Sounds like your boys are getting along and that is so cute that Carson has been telling Reese to follow him or play with him. They are going to be such good buddies from here on out!! That's too bad that you hit a rabbit but at least it was just a rabbit, right?