Monday, September 14, 2009

Blueberry Bagels and Strawberry Cream Cheese

Yup, that's what I had for breakfast and I couldn't help but think of the many early morning drill practices, marking each count of eight, in preparation for an upcoming competition. Man, those were the good old days, probably not at the time but now they are. I'm pretty sure I complained a lot, but secretly, I really enjoyed early morning practices. You can't really admit this when you're a teenager but I really do function best when I wake up early. It's during those first few precious hours that I feel most refreshed and optimistic. It was fun to go to school when it was still dark and brag about how many hours you had already been awake before everyone else even thought about going to school. The best time though was after we had finished perfecting the dances that would later win us tons of trophies, ripping chunks of warm fresh blueberry bagel and dunking it into cold strawberry cream cheese washing it down with a carton of orange juice. Can't deny that everytime I bite into a blueberry bagel my mind wanders back to my home girls. And a few years later, here I am, blogging about high school with a baby on my lap, and another in the other room watching Pinocchio, having just sent off my husband to another day of law school. It would be nice to still be in a dance group. I doubt that I ever really had "it" so I can't really say I lost "it" or regret my decision to get married so young or think what could've been. But they're nice memories to look back on and I'm sure in another few years I'll be looking back on today thinking, ya, those were the good old days too.



Krysta McClure said...

Ah. . . good memories. . . was blessed to be able to be on the team with YOU! Thanks for taking me down memory lane. . .

Spudbiz said...

You definitely had "it" honey!! You ROCK!!

Kapri said...

It's like that Trace Adkins song 'You're gonna miss this' Don't worry we can start a dance group of our own. And at holidays we'll perform for our husbands and they'll have to love it!

Kayleen said...

Isn't it nice to stroll down memory lane occasionally? Of course, my lane is just a bit longer than yours! Those two little rascals are worth the efforts though, aren't they? Reese is growing up so fast and Carson is becoming a "little man"!

Sarah Ruth Ritchie said...

Sometimes it is just fun to reflect on those good ol' times. I really wish I did more dancing when I was younger. I feel like now I am so uncoordinating and stiff it is not even funny. I am sure you were a super good dancer!