Friday, November 11, 2011


Remember that Labor Day weekend forever ago? Well we spent the weekend going camping and it was so much fun! It was a lot colder at night than we thought it would be but other than that, we had great weather. I considered not posting about it because it was so long ago and it would take a lot of work going through all the pictures but it was such a fun trip that I wanted to remember it. So enjoy!

It was a long drive down there and we kept telling the boys that we were going to see some awesome buffalo when we got to Yellowstone. The moment we pulled into the park they were searching for the buffalo. When they didn't see any right away Carson says, "Where's all the animals? I don't see any buffaloes in my eyes." But it didn't take long before we found some wildlife.

We pulled into Yellowstone just in time for Old Faithful to go off.

Afterwards, we walked around the park and saw some awesome geysers and mudpots. The colors were really beautiful!

The next morning we had breakfast in a bag. It was interesting... but Carson enjoyed it!
Then we headed out to survey the land. 

This little guy thought he would take a break in the road. There was like 20 cars backed up behind him!

The next morning a few elk decided to check out our campground.
We got pretty lucky and never really had to wait for a buffalo to cross the road.

But we did get to see a whole herd! It was pretty cool! There was a tour group on horses that need to get through so the guides had to chase them off a little bit.

We wanted to go swimming but the best spot was blocked off so we found another little area.

The day we saw one of my favorite places. Can you imagine discovering this place?! It's like an alien planet!

It was an awesome trip and we had lots of fun. All the kids did great! It was a lot of driving around and a lot of walking but they still had a fun time. I would highly recommend visiting if you haven't already!


Debbie Thompson said...

Looks like fun, I bet your kids will remember that trip for a long time! And great photos!

Missy! said...

we might have passed each other when that buffalo was in the lane - we were behind two that weekend and it took a long time to get around him! looks like a great trip

Melissa said...

That IS like an alien planet.
Great pic's Jenny, you're so talented.
I love yellowstone.
Every time I go I love it more.
It's so kid exciting.
I hope to go back sooner rather than later.
Miss you guys.

Becca Bingham said...

That is so fun! I've been before, but I can imagine it would be a lot more fun to take your kids and see all those animals!

Ashley said...

Looks like so much fun, I haven't been there forever. Glad you guys got to go!