Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ryan is reliving his glory days

Ryan signed up to play with Idaho Thunder. It's an adult soccer league playing 11-on-11. He hasn't played 11-on-11 since  high school so we was really excited. He says that playing on full length grass field is completely different than playing on an intramural turf field and his first game, he was pretty out of shape, but he's since gotten better and is loving it. 

He would look so much better if these were in his new soccer shoes, right Ry? :)


Brynne said...

How cool! I remember watching Ryan play soccer. He rocked.

Peterson's said...

Oh yes, you can't play as well without new shoes! (just remind him that you can't do photography without some new shoes too)

Becca Bingham said...

Awesome! I know Rob always enjoys having a physical break in his week!