Thursday, September 8, 2011

First day...

...of preschool! It was such a night and day difference since the last time we tried preschool. Carson was actually excited and willing to go! His first week is over and he's loved every minute of it. The teacher says he's doing really well and he's a great peer. I think Reese has had a harder time adjusting than Carson. When we drop Carson off, Reese always asks why we're leaving Carson and we can't he stay too. I'll tell you though, two hours goes by quick! I feel like I barely have time to make it home before I have to turn around and pick him up. Good thing I'm lovin my minivan because I'm totally turning into a mommy chauffeur!

...(a few weeks ago) of real-life work! This had to be documented too even though it he was doing the same things he was doing the past two summers as an intern. But now he's legit! We really have to pretend that we adults now since we're done with school but have a kid in school! It's so nice to actually see real money, not just student loans, going into our bank account!


Brynne said...

How cute is Carson's outfit?!

Kyle and Emily Stott said...

AHH! Car-key is SO big! He looks like a third grader! What a little stud.

Melissa said...

Man look at that pose and those clothes, talk about a little model.
I'm glad he's doing well.
He's pretty cute man.
So ryan doesn't have to wear a suit?
It looks like he's off golfing or something!!

Becca Bingham said...

What fun! Carson is such a stud! :)

Monika said...

congrats on so many things!!

Cameron and Vanessa said...

Carson looks so grown-up in those school clothes. And congrats on being real adults now! :)