Friday, March 11, 2011

29 weeks

This last appointment was routine. Everything is measuring right on and heartbeat is nice and fast, 160, as always. It's funny because my boys were always around the 130 range so this one is for sure a girl! I have to keep reminding myself. My blood pressure was a little higher so that made the doctor happy and my glucose test came back with a green light. I was surprised to find out that I need to start going every two weeks now. That went quick! 

In other news, this week has been pretty crazy! Reese has seen better days, I'll tell you that! If you want to hear the long, dramatic story, read on... Last Saturday, Reese started coughing which I kind of expected he would get sick because a friend of mine brought her sick kid over (yeah, thanks) but he didn't have any other symptoms until Sunday evening when he started getting a little fever. I gave him some Motrin and sent him to bed. Monday morning, woke up with a fever of 101 and congestion so I gave him some more medicine but as the day wore on his fever got worse and worse. By the time Ryan came home from cat track skiing, around 7 p.m., his fever was a whopping 106!!! No lie, people! I couldn't believe it! I took him into QuickCare and the nurse got the same reading. It was one of those times when you could tell the nurse was trying really hard to hold back her shock. He was obviously lethargic, but still responsive. The doctor assured me that his brain wasn't melting but that they wanted him to stay for an hour so they could monitor him. They gave him some more Motrin and checked his oxygen which was too low, 82%, but it was increasing as the medicine started kicking in and Reese started getting more excited about all the attention. He had a right ear infection but obviously that wasn't the only issue so they did a chest x-ray to check for pneumonia. The doctor said "he wasn't convinced that it's not pneumonia" after looking at the results. He thought that it was combination of three things: an ear infection, a virus, and possibly pneumonia. The also put a urine bag on him which he ended up hating so we ended up ripping that off and he did just fine leaving a sample in a cup (that's my boy!). After a while, his fever got under control and by the time we left it was 101.5 and his O2 was 90. They put him on azithromycin and said to come back the next day for a re-check. We didn't get a lot of sleep that night.
Tuesday morning, went back in. They checked O2 again, 94, and his fever was under control. The doctor was still concerned about his lungs so he was going to talk to the radiologist and see what he thought but everything looked okay to him. 
Wednesday, I noticed that Reese was wheezing/crackling and there was some retraction while he was breathing during his nap while he was lying on his back. After my experience the day before with QuickCare, I wasn't in a hurry to go back even though they told me to bring him in if he started wheezing. By the time Ryan came home, the wheezing had stopped. 
Thursday morning, Reese woke up with really bad wheezing so I had my friend come over and stay with Carson because he was still sleeping and I took him into QuickCare for the third time. His O2 was actually 97 which was a nice surprise and he had more energy. The nurses kept saying that they wished every patient was as cute and cooperative as Reese was. :) The doctor put him on a nebulizer and gave us a prescription for some steroids and said that was pretty much all they could do because it might just be a virus. Needless to say, I am totally sick of health clinics! We have an appointment with his pediatrician in a half hour but I think everything will be fine. I'll update when we get back...
*update* Pediatrician said that he's still wheezing but he should be on the mend. Just keep doing the nebulizer treatments and everything should be good. I guess they're naming it bronchitis so that makes me feel a little better when compared to pneumonia. I didn't put in the details of how frustrating it was going to QuickCare on Tuesday but apparently they put it on file that I was upset so I told him what happened and he was totally on my side. :) He was frustrated with his staff and how QuickCare handled the situation so that made me feel good. I really like Dr. Worth and not just for this instance either. So if you need a pediatrician in Moscow, give him a call!   

Carson, on the other hand, is an ox! I don't remember the last time he got sick (knock on wood!). I guess it's a stage kids go through but I wonder if Reese is just going to be our "medical bill child." It seems like there's at least one in every family that is constantly sick or hurt and having to go to the doctor.
Carson was obviously a help with these belly shots. He's really developing a love for the camera which I love! He's always asking me if he can take a picture! We took him into a speech therapist yesterday to get evaluated for his lisp. He's not going to need a lot of work but he's going to start going once a week. And now that he's not sucking his thumb, I think he'll learn pretty quick. When she was working with him and he was saying things without his lisp, he just seemed so much older! I was glad that I was pregnant (no joke!) because I realized how big my baby was getting! It was one of those reality checks as a mom. Anyway, I think that about sums up our week... but it's not quite over yet.... 


Kayleen said...

Love the pics! Those boys are gonna love a sister and will take care of her. Hope your appointment with Reese went well. Dawson had to do nebulizer treatments on a regular basis so Candice had one at home. Good luck!

Melissa said...

Man I think that was one of your longest posts.
And I read it all!!
I'm so sorry about Reese man.
Let us know about that appointment in 30 mins.........
Great shots, I'm glad it's going by quickly.

Kassy Whetten said...

I love the pics. Adorable! I hope Reese feels better! If you want you can always drop off Carson and Reese for a play date and you can get a break! We all need them some times. :) Just call me and we can set it up.

Brynn said...

These pictures really capture the moment perfectly. Absolutely beautiful! You are inspiring!

Julie said...

What a scary week, I just hate high fevers and breathing issues. I'm just really glad that you aren't having your little girl until cold and flu season is over!

Krysta McClure said...

Nice pics, Jen. Captured the moment beautifully.

I hear you on the sick kids... though ours have not yet been that scary.... just tiring. Amazing how a sick kid can just wear a momma out!

You are beautiful!

Missy! said...

I'm glad Reese is doing so much better. Great picture!