Thursday, August 6, 2015

Gwen's 4th Birthday!!!

Gwen talks about her birthdays on a daily basis. She's been talking about her My Little Pony birthday party everyday for the last year. As the boys had their birthdays she started planning her's and she was very adamant that she didn't want any boys at her party. Since she had never had a friend's party I figured I would give her the girls-only party she asked for. She wanted it to be Hello Kitty even though she knows next to nothing about Hello Kitty. I don't know if there are shows about Hello Kitty but she never watches them, she didn't have any Hello Kitty toys before her party, and the only Hello Kitty thing she owned was a t-shirt. But it's what she wanted and it was an easy enough theme. When I asked her who she wanted to invite she said, "Piper, Brightyn, Addy, Arden (because she invited me to her birthday party), Emeri, and Grandma Connie." So my mom flew up to come to her party and I was so glad she did! She was such a big help! May was a crazy month from to go Seattle, to Oklahoma, to Hawaii and fitting in all those birthdays in-between. It was really nice to have her come and help me throw a party together in a day. Ryan came home for lunch and said that it looked like pink Hello Kitty threw up all over the house. That was about right.

 It was such a load off when we decided to buy a cake instead of making one. This was the first birthday cake I didn't make. I felt a little guilty at first but it would've just been too stressful. And it tasted good so it worked out.
 Gwen, Piper Miller, Addy Adams, Arden Mick, Brightyn Gatten (Emeri Marzo coldn't make it)

 Always on her toes

 On her actual birthday

Q: What is your name?
A: Gwen

Q: How old are you?
A: Four

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Pink

Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Piper

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: Giraffes

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: A basketball player

Q:What is your favorite movie?
A: Tangled

Q: What is your favorite book?
A: I Love You, Daddy

Q: What makes you happy?
A: My daddy tickling me

Q: What makes you sad?
A: Hurting me

Q: What is your favorite food to eat?
A: Corndogs

Q: What's your favorite song?
A: Blue Bird (Whenever I Hear)

Q: What games do you like to play?
A: Duck, duck, goose

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