Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Jett Michael

Jett was born July 30, 2014. No complications with the C-section. I do think he was a little early though. There was some confusion about my due date because he was measuring large in the beginning so I think that made the scheduled C-section date a little too early. I think my original due date was August 14 or 16th. But after the first ultrasound they bumped my due date up to August 6 and then the C-section date is a week before the due date so he was probably about two or three weeks early. He was wheezing a little bit when he was first born so they took him to the NICU for a couple hours but everything turned out to be fine. It was just a bummer that I couldn't hold him for the first couple hours of his life. But Ryan went with him and got to feed him and be with him. I did not like having my baby at Kootenai medical center. It was not a good experience but that's all I'm gonna say about it. They were able to deliver Jett without any complications and we're both alive and happy so I they did their job. Jet has been a great baby! He is so sweet and happy all the time! We have tried a bunch of different formulas but none of them seem to make a difference with his spit up. But other than that he's a great sleeper and a great eater. He was sleeping 10 hours at night by two months. He rolled over for the first time in three months. He is now six months old still doesn't really roll around as much as my other babies did at this age but he sits up like a champ and babbles and smiles constantly! He is such a joy to have around!! The other kids adore him and will do anything to make him smile. They are so cute with him! It's been so much fun having older kids with the baby because they get to share in the joy. They are just a smitten with him as I am!

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