Thursday, February 20, 2014

Worst news ever

This adorable boy, Tyce, was diagnosed with Acute Lyphmoblastic Leukemia on October 9, 2013. This news has been the most shocking and devastating news that has ever hit our family. My Facebook post that day--

Whirlwind of emotions today. Still trying to cope with the fact that my two-year- old nephew, Tyce, was diagnosed with leukemia today. I just keep thinking what an amazing boy he is!! Before he came to this world he was given this trial. He is already so strong in accepting this assignment in the Premortal Existence. He's my hero!! Love that adorable little boy!!

Gwen and Tyce are a week apart in age. They have been the cutest little buddies. It has been a perspective changer because of that reason. Having a nephew the same age as one of my kids, living close and seeing them all the time- the only thing closer would be for this to happen to one of my own kids. The next 3-4 years of his life are going to be centered around this fight. It's crazy that something like this happened to us. It's the kind of thing that you hear about, friend of a friend situation. 

It was so sudden too. One Saturday, Julie was holding Tyce on her lap during a soccer game and she noticed some weird bumps up and down his neck. I didn't think anything of it since we had just gone through it with Carson. I thought he just needed to get on some antibiotics and he would be fine. A couple of major differences though, Carson just had one massive one, he had a fever, and his bump hurt. Tyce didn't have these same symptoms. But they took him in, got him meds, and told them to come back the following Monday for blood work. And the next day his life changed forever. So crazy how fast everything changed! Makes you realize that life is short no matter what age you are!

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