Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bumps and the first day of school

Carson came down with a little bug. When I asked him what hurt he would tell me his neck. I thought that he meant his throat and figured that it was strep since strep was going around. We were in between insurances at the time so we just needed to hold off taking him to the doctor for a few days until September 1st. September 1st was a Sunday and after we got home from stake conference we asked Carson how he was feeling, debating weather or not to take him in to urgent care. Again, he said his neck hurt so after he changed out of his church clothes he took a look at his neck and this is what we found. Ryan and I freaked out! I took him in and the doctor said that sometimes kids lymph nodes just swell like that because they're fighting some kind of infection. So they put him on antibiotics and said that if he's not feeling better in the next few days to bring him back in to check his white blood cell count. He ended up feeling better right away, luckily, and was able to make it to the first day of school. 
First week of first grade was really rough for Carson. He had a really hard time adjusting. He didn't like being a school for so long and he had a hard time understanding why he no longer had as much time to play with friends and watch tv. "Why did you sign me up for this?!" He would cry every morning and he would cry at school. His teacher talked to me about how he was having a hard time. It was hard for me too because I obviously didn't have a choice but to send himto school and this was completely out of the blue. He had no problems going to kindergarten. I just sat him down and I explained how everyone has to go to school and how me and his teacher are on his team and we're there to help him. It helped, but it still took a couple of days. But after that first week or so he was totally fine and doing great in school. It's just anything new he has a really hard time with. He doesn't like the unknown. 

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