Saturday, April 21, 2012

Eleven Months Old!

Gwen has one month left before she's one year old. That reality is sinking in. I seriously don't remember life without her but I feel like I was just pregnant with her. She's definitely turning into a toddler though. She walks everywhere and is getting really fast. It's hard to take a picture of her that's in focus. Gwen is a tease! She'll steal a toy and then try to run away, laughing. She's got four teeth now and that was a huge ordeal for the whole family! She loves her brothers and tries her best to keep up with them. She's starting to sound out a few words and usually she'll let me know she's ready for a nap by saying "na, na" (night, night) and waving goodbye. She's very attached to her binki and I'm not looking forward to weening her off it. We're still off and on with sleeping through the night and she's losing interest in the bottle. I won't miss buying formula that's for sure! Gwen loves being outside! She gets so mad when you make her go inside! Her hair is getting longer and more curly and it's coming in really blonde. I'm sure she'll get just as blonde as the boys in the summer. 

She's had a hard month. The first week, she got a gash in her cheek, the next week, a black eye, and the third week, a huge bruise on her forehead. All from tripping and falling into our bed frame. 'Tis the age.

P.S. She has PERFECTED the tantrum!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Sunday

We started the holiday off by dying Easter eggs the night before. Carson and Reese just wanted to eat each egg after it was dyed. It was pretty late, hence the tired eyes but these were the boys' favorites.
And this one was my favorite.

The kids weren't really too excited at first, I guess they just needed some time to wake up. But it didn't take Gwen long to figure out how the game is played. She ate any candy she could get her hands on!
Typical Reese

Then time for church! Gwen's dress came with the cutest yellow jacket and I thought I got a picture of her with it on. I guess I'll have to get one later because it's pretty much the cutest thing ever! We got Reese new everything since he never gets new stuff. He kept strutting around like a peacock. 
Random side note: We just finished watching some home videos from two years ago. Carson and Reese are the exact same! They're both a little bit thinner and taller now but they still have the same voice (except Carson's lisp is a lot worse back then) and the same personality! I took have taken the same video yesterday!

After church, we headed over to the Crandalls and had another egg hunt and there was plenty to go around!
Don't be fooled by this little girl either! She's got sticky hands!

This picture needs a thought bubble :)

It was a great Easter Sabbath and we talked a lot about death and resurrection at church which helped answer some questions and organize some thoughts I had since my grandpa had just passed away. Timing was perfect and it was nice to feel that peace of knowing what's to come.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In Memory

Rone Clawson
This is my favorite picture of Grandpa Clawson. It was taken at Jeff and Kapri's wedding in California. 
He's holding Carson who was three months old at the time. 

When I think of Grandpa Clawson I think of…

His big hands with his ruby ring.
His orange fuzzy recliner.
The smell of potatoes and dirt.
His strong voice singing the hymns in sacrament.
Visiting him in the potato cellar during harvest and having him show my how to
work the piler.
The time he had surgery (don’t remember on what exactly) and he had these massive
bruises on his lower back/hip area.
His famous horse-back rides and watching him give my kids those same rides.
His shinny hair always perfectly in place, even in the middle of the potato field.
A strong, constant man that you can take at face value.
His testimonies that he bore in sacrament pretty much every fast Sunday.
The many missions that he and Grandma have served.
Tan lines in his elbows from when we did that handcart trek.
When he dressed up for the Nauvoo pageant and sang and danced onstage.
When he played Elvis at the ward Christmas party.
Sitting on his lap while steering the Cadillac home from church.

I remember when we went to Nauvoo to visit them on their mission. I remember
visiting the Carthage Jail and going upstairs to wear the mob attack was. Seeing
the bullet holes and hearing the story really made it come to life for me. One of
the defining points in my testimony was after hearing the tape of what happened
and then hearing Grandpa bare his testimony. I don’t remember what he said
exactly but I remember feeling the spirit and having it testify to me that what
happened in that room was true and that Joseph died as a martyr.

When he and Grandma came up to Moscow for Ryan’s graduation from Law
School, it really meant a lot to us. We were really surprised that they wanted
to make the long drive but it was so great to have them come up. It was an
important time in our lives and we’ll always remember how they sacrificed to be a
part of it.

I loved seeing my boys creating a bond with their great-grandpa. When we came
down to Firth to visit, Carson and Reese were fascinated by his tape measurer.
They had the best time just playing with Grandpa Rone and his tape measurer.
The next day, Grandpa brought over a little mini tape measurer for the boys and
they still like to play with/fight over it.

It's amazing that he wrote this book a year before he died.

Grandpa served in Korea.

See you later Grandpa!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Carson Quote of the Day

I'm as happy as a possum!

Reese Recited

You better come here right now, Mommy, or you're going to get kidnapped. No, you'll get girl kidnapped. No, you'll get mommy kidnapped!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Carson Quote of the Day

Gwenny's poop smells as bad as grape juice stains.

Pretty good metaphor for a five year old. Especially considering we've only bought grape juice once.

Desperate times call for desperate measures

I've said this before and I'm sure it won't be the last time I say it but when Reese came along, any opinion or theory I had on parenting went out the window! Carson was pretty "by the book" and when it came time to potty train, he was a champ. Of course, I thought it was because of my awesome parenting skills so the Lord decided to humble me and send me Reese (maybe I'm still missing some lessons and that's why he sent Gwen?!!?). So I started off potty training Reese the same way as Carson with the "3 Day Potty Training Method." Carson took 5 days to train and he never had any regression or anything. Reese seemed so ready to train. He could communicate really well, he idolized Carson, and he had/has little man syndrome big time (meaning he thinks he's bigger than he is and he wants to do everything anyone bigger then him can do).  I honestly though he'd be out of diapers in a few days. Boy was I wrong!!!

The first week went well. He was having fun with it and getting lots of attention but once it lost it's newness, he stopped caring and just went wherever, whenever. We tried keeping it up but decided that maybe he really wasn't ready so we put him back in diapers. We went through a pack of diapers and tried potty training again. Nope, no luck. So back in diapers. And this was seriously the last time I was going to buy diapers for this kid so we decided to try other tactics. We tried everything that everyone else has had success with. Bribing, potty charts, rewards, toys, attention (positive and negative), candy, treats, stickers, a special potty training watch with an alarm, pull-ups, even a fish! We went through everyone he knew and told them that they all go potty in the toilet, we let him watch us, we showed him how Superman has special undies and keeps them dry and bought special underwear for him. Then we got even more desperate and resorted to time outs and cold showers. This was over the course of several months. Finally, we gave up and just let him have accident after accident hoping that he would realize that this was the new way of life. He was having at least four accidents a day. Mind you, we were living in Moscow with no washer and dryer. Rarely would he have success. After a solid YEAR of potty training, I gave up. I couldn't handle it anymore. I was so sick of cleaning up _ _ _ _!!! Literally! I had told myself that there was no reason why a 2 year old couldn't be potty trained, I thought that if you were buying size 5 diapers then that kid is definitely big enough to be potty trained. I felt like a fool walking up to the cashier to buy size freaking 6 diapers. 

At this point, I was done. I gave up. No more talking about potty training, no more taking him to the bathroom because it's "time", it was over. No more pressure! For me or him. I had no idea when he would be potty trained and I pretty much didn't care anymore. I figured when Gwen was ready I try it again with Reese. But then Ryan got creative.

One night Ryan got the idea to scare the crap of him. He said, "What if we just got really mad at him and scared him really bad." No way! I'm already the bad guy! "Well, what if there was a monster that scared him?" Well, if that's what you want to do, I'm handing over the reigns. So he called Reese over and told him that other mommies and daddies in the area have called to tell us there's a potty monster in town and if you have an accident then he'll come to our house and scare us. At first, Reese didn't seem to really understand but then he kept asking questions and you could see the wheels turning. So the next couple of days went really well. But then he had to test his boundaries again. He had two accidents and I can't remember for sure but I think it was when he was at someone else's house. So when we got home that night, we told him that we were really scared because he had accidents so the potty monster was going to come. I don't think he really believed us yet.

So after we got ready for bed, I was tucking the boys in when Ryan went and got ready. He put on a Halloween wig and got a blanket we hardly used and while hunched over, he started making these weird snorting and grunting noises. I  have to admit that I was even kinda scared! But the second Reese heard those noises he immediately pulled the covers over his head and started whimpering. There wasn't even a need for a costume and I'm sure his imagination came up with an ever scarier monster but the effect worked! The potty monster made his way into the boys' bathroom and flushed the toilet then Ryan came running in, "Was that the potty monster? I think he just went down the toilet. That was so scary and I hope he doesn't come back again!" I was sure that Reese would be up the rest of the night with nightmares but he was fine. Slept through the night.

The next day he started asking questions about the potty monster. We had his attention and he was starting to care whether or not his undies were dry. He kept saying that if he went in his undies that the monster would get him but we made it clear that he wasn't going to get him, just come and scare him. But he was out of practice and had another accident. So that night the potty monster came again. Reese reacted the same way. The potty monster has only had to come twice and I'm pretty sure he's 99% trained at this point.

Reese talks about the monster on a daily basis. The other day he was doing the dance during dinner so we asked him if he needed to go and he denied that he did. We asked him if the monster was going to come tonight and his eyes got really huge and then he just started crying and then ran to the bathroom. Let me tell you- that was the funniest and saddest thing I've ever seen!  I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction but I felt horrible and I just wanted to cuddle him and tell him that there wasn't a monster. He gets it now though. He cares when he's wet and dry and that alone is a huge improvement. He's doing really well now and whenever he mentions the monster we tell him that as long as he keeps his undies dry and clean, the monster is dead. I guess you just have to get creative as a parent and this one goes to Ryan!

So our method of training?... Literally scaring the crap out of him, but making it to the toilet! And if you've read this whole thing, congratulations, but please don't send us to child protective services.

Reese Recited

Mommies are the best!
You the best Mommy!

That was great to hear! I'm sure in a few years he'll be whistling a different tune, but for now, I'll take it! :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Reese Recited

Reese and I were in my bedroom. He was playing with his Iron Man and I was getting my pajamas on. I went into the bathroom and when I came out he had this confused looked on his face and he asked,
How did you get in here?
I told him that I had been in here the whole time.
Do you have invisible powers?
Why, yes. Yes I do.
 I have invisible powers too!

 It was one of those mornings when I was having a hard time getting out of bed (which happens a lot, Ryan will tell you). Reese came in and informed me that it was morning time and that it was time to wake up. I told him that I couldn’t because my legs were broken. So he pulled off my blankets, found my toes and said,
No they’re not! There still here! See, here’s your tippy toes!

Most of the times it's not necessarily what he says but how he says it that makes things hilarious. There are so many times when I want to write down things he says but it's just not the same. It's his tiny sweet voice and his facial expressions that make it funny.  I guess I need to do some more video!