Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ten Months Old!

Gwen is our handful! I didn't think kids could get much more busy than Reese, but that was before Gwen came along! She is busy, busy, busy. She's got places to go and things to explore. She tries to walk wherever she goes and she can make it across the room if she's distracted enough to not know she walking. She's a stinker and if you tell her "no" she'll give you this big crinkled-nose grin and keep getting in whatever trouble she was doing before. You have to buckle her in the high chair now or she'll climb right out. She's learned that falling down the stairs is no fun. At any given point, she'll probably have 5 bruises on her face. And she gets a new one daily. I think if she makes it to the age of 2 without brain damage it'll be a miracle. We've considered having her wear a helmet all the time just to protect her from herself. And you'll need lots of patience trying to change her diaper but even if she is a handful, you'll never meet a sweeter baby! Always smiling, even when she's sick, always giving kisses, always ready to play, always wakes up happy. She's a cutie and she loves attention! She can do "Patty Cake" and "Eensy, Weensy Spider" and she'll try and sing with you if you sing "Twinkle, Twinkle." She is starting to say a few words like ball and bye, bye. She's got mama and dada down. Her hair is getting long but it still has that baby softness to it and it's coming in a golden blonde. So there's blonde at the roots and dark at the tips. She figured out how to drink out of straw. Her top two teeth are coming in and given her and the rest of the family grief. :) And next Tuesday she goes in to put tubes in her ears. We love this little bundle of mischief!

Gwenny Penny Meggy-Boots Crandall
Loving knicknamed by her brothers


Melissa said...

Cute pic's.
It's always nice when kids wake up happy.
That goes a long way.
She sounds like she's ahead of the game for her age.
Another smart one.
That makes all three ;)

Becca Bingham said...

Those pictures are so precious! Makes me wonder what kind of personality I have on the way. They always say how different each one is.