Saturday, January 7, 2012


Thanksgiving was so much fun! My family came up here so it was the first time I got to make dinner and play host. Everything went pretty smoothly and I have to admit that the food was great! We had turkey (obviously) that wasn't very pretty but tasted really good, maple roasted sweet potatoes with pecans, green beans with baconstuffing, mashed potatoes, and rolls with the fortune inside. The boys loved finding the "grateful fortunes" but it was kind of annoying after a while since you weren't sure if you were going to bite into one or not. But it was fun getting everything together and set up and looking pretty. I've never done it before and I think I could handle it once a year. :)

While the fam was in town we did a lot of shopping and some hot-tubbing and of course there was a lot of playing on Grandma' Ipad (or big GPS as Carson calls it).
Then we went to the Christmas parade (there was even a zebra!) and froze watching the fireworks.


Becca Bingham said...

A Zebra! Only in a cool place like there! How fun to have your family there and a place to welcome them in. We had Rob's parents and brother, but it was a little tight in our small place.

Melissa said...

I love that hat that Gwen's wearing. I might try to find a pattern and knit it.
Looks like a yummy dinner.
Good for you man.