Sunday, November 14, 2010

So . . . here goes, my first blog post ever. Jenny's been pressuring me lately to join in on our family blog, and I've finally given in. "Guys are doing it too," she says. I'm not entirely convinced that's true, but I figured the occasional post would give me an opportunity to share the family stories that I find entertaining (sorry, there's no guarantee that they'll be funny to anyone else). At the very least, it will allow me to share my side of the story and thereby preserve my dignity to some degree.

So I'll began with a story from tonight. We had just finished meeting with our "teach homers" (home teachers in Carsonian), and the boys were being their usual rowdy selves. Reese was runny around laughing diabolically like a comic book super-villian, and Carson was taking swan dives off the bar stool onto our couch (incredibly without any injuries). Carson then came up to Jenny and me and told us he had new nicknames for all of us. They were funny enough (at least to me) that I felt they merited eternal digital preservation on the pages of this blog. So here they are:

Kyooki (Dad - apparently I'm Asian)
Muddy (Mom)
Buddy Peeber (Carson)
Pooger (Reese)
Plinko (the dog we don't have)

Buddy Peeber is my personal favorite. I'm thinking of using the names in a futuristic sci-fi adventure I've been working on. It's loosely based on our family stories but set on a distant planet where the human population is facing annihilation at the hand of an alien species. A young boy, Buddy Peeber, is their only chance for salvation. What do you think? I'd like to hear your suggestions, so please pass them along.

On a different note, I'd also like to someday use this blog to share my music. I arrange music and write original songs from time to time, and I'm working on recording them. Unfortunately, law school keeps me busy and the going is slow. But keep posted, hopefully I'll have something to share in the not-too-distant future.

- Ry


Melissa said...

I'm glad you're posting.
I'll read your book.

Julie said...

This is an epic day!!! Right up there with when we got you to finally read Harry Potter. Good for you, Ry. You've always been a writer at heart and I look forward to future posts!

Connie said...

Good to hear from you!! Your family blog is the highlight of our day! Hearing about the boys make us all chuckle! What imaginations!! I'd like to dive off the chairs during our Team Homers as well!! Glad someone is actually doing it!! The idea for the book sounds awesome and we are anxious to have you post your music!! Happy Day!! Love you all!

emily said...

hahah buddy peeber? that's awesome! where does the kid come up with this stuff!?