Friday, September 17, 2010

Then straight down to Firth

After camping, Ryan had to go back home for school but I took the boys and we headed down to Firth for my brother's farewell. For fun we went to the

I've lived next to it my whole life and have never gone. It was pretty cool actually.

There was a huge display of potato mashers
The largest potato on record was 18 lbs! That's way more than the potato Jeff and I won $100 for! Ours was only 2.9 lbs! When I figure out what's wrong with the scanner, I'll post the picture for you.
The largest potato crisp
The trip was completed with an Idaho potato

On Saturday we went to the Bingham County Fair with Jeff and Kapri.
 We saw little horses
and freaking huge horses!

And of course we ate about a week worth of calories in one sitting. How could you go to the fair and pass up a teriyaki bowl, Reed's Dairy ice cream, elephant ears, and apples and cinnamon funnel cakes? You just can't, so we didn't. :)
We actually ended up finding a new car in the classifieds too. We're now proud owners of a Honda Odyssey!

Sunday was Jordan's farewell talk. He did a really good job and of course everyone was crying their eyes out! He's going to be such a good missionary! Did I mention where he's been called? Neuquen, Argentina. 


Becca Bingham said...

I loves Reeds Dairy Ice Cream!

Becca Bingham said...

Oh and I love how Carson is holding the cat in your family picture. :)

Shanna said...

Ryan's such a trader, wearing his Seattle jersey.

Melissa said...

Good luck to the missionary.
Should be awesome.
I would've loved to have been there for my bro's farewell.

LOL I LOVE the fair and we didn't get to go.

Masaru was asking me today when we were gtoing to the fair.
I felt bad.
That museum is awesome.

Krysta McClure said...

I can't believe he is old enough to go..... where has time gone? And you look as beautiful as ever, Jen.

The Boyle's said...

Looks like tons of fun. I wish I would have been around Firth to go with you. I love the family pics. You look super cute. So you went for the van huh. I thought you hated those things. You are gonna be a soccer mom!!!