Sunday, April 25, 2010

Meet the newest member of our family...

Master Shifu
(or just Shifu for short)

He's our first family pet and Carson couldn't be more excited about him! When we told him that we were going to the store to get a fish he said, "Oh yay! Mmmm, delicious! He will be yummy!" Not quite, Carson. And then when we were at the pet store he said, "I'm so excited! I can't wait to take him home and snuggle with him. Can he sleep with me in my bed?!"
He spent the rest of the day staring at that little fish and then we had to read P.D. Eastman's "A Fish Out of Water" about 20 times and the next morning when he fed Shifu he said, "Just so much, no more than a spot. Or something may happen, you never know what."


Melissa said...

That's one of my fav's for books.
I LOVE his name LOL

Katelyn said...

I'm loving the shots with your new lens! so clear and bright! I lOVE the overhead shot. its perfect.

Anonymous said...

How fun, and GREAT pictures!

Nayomee said...

Cute fish! We should do crafts together sometime. I added you to my blog so I can follow you guys!