Friday, April 30, 2010

Carson Quote of the Day

Carson has been obsessed with being "big like Daddy." He's always asking, "When I get bigger, like Daddy, can I..." and "Am I bigger like Daddy?" Well, our friend, Gavin, is over 6 feet tall. I think around 6'3" (so, very tall compared to our 5th percentile family). Carson asked Ryan

Daddy, when you get bigger will you be big like Gavin?


Melissa said...

Thats awesome
Gavin's pretty big.

Roxy said...

that's too funny :) I am sharing with Dallas he will get a kick out of it :)Thanks for sharing Carson's creative thoughts with us!

Cyndie said...

Ok this off topic but how did you change your font? Your blog looks awesome

Julie said...

I guess that explains it - we are all just waiting to grow up! I love his perspective!