Friday, January 8, 2010

Eleven Months Old

As a side note, not to distract from Reese's "big day," Carson is officially obsessed with Toy Story. He's been playing Buzz since Christmas and today he came up to Ryan and said "I'm Carson-Buzz and you're Woody-Daddy." Then they quoted pretty much the entire movies, 1st and 2nd, back and forth. But it's starting to get dangerous because Carson made his first attempt at flying today. He jumped off the couch and face-planted right into the carpet. There wasn't any blood but a lot of tears. We think he was more heart broken at the fact that he wasn't the real Buzz and couldn't fly.


Melissa said...

Awwww he's so cute man.
LOL sorry man but that's pretty funny about Carson.

Katelyn said...

he's adorable! we missed you guys! coraline isn't a kids movie. it's pretty scary!

Natalie said...

Such adorable guys! I can't believe he is almost a year old.

Jessica said...

Holy cow! I haven't been to your blog in ages since we have been on the move the past summer, had Bridger, and then have gotten internet back onto our computer. All that aside, I cannot believe how big and how DARLING Reece is (and Carson too!) How fun.

Jessica said...

Oh... one more thing: I LOVE your profile pic! Really cute.

Brittnee said...

Jenny, Your boys are so cute and I can't belive that Reese is that big already. Carson sounds like one funny boy, you describe him so well. I laughed right out loud about him saying his candy was going to be a real boy...hilarious!


Shanna said...

ha Rhett is obsessed with the same thing! We got him Buzz for Christmas cause he started watching toy story 1 and 2 so much. He won't watch anything else and gets mad at Kesley when she puts other movies in!

I love how he tried to fly! to bad he got hurt, but isn't it fun to see how much kids believe they can do anything!

Kapri said...

Ah so cute!

Terri said...

Trade you a t-rex for a Buzz Lightyear. Gavin keeps going around the house (or anywhere else) growling with his elbows bent and the first two fingers on each hand sticking out like claws. Tricia and Tim have had to make a rule that Gavin can't growl anywhere else except at home.