Friday, January 15, 2010

Carson Quotes of the Day

This morning while snuggling in my bed, he whispers, "Mama, you're my best friend."

Reese is into everything and getting out of everything. He's found his favorite cupboards in the kitchen and he's learned to take off his pants. And now he has a new trick, climbing out of his highchair. One minute he was sitting in his highchair eating goldfish with Carson sitting by him at the table eating pretzels, the next, Carson was at my side and Reese was in Carson's chair at the table eating Carson's pretzels. He was so proud of himself and he looked so cute! It was confusing at first because Reese acted so normal about it. But we're going to have to buckle him in now. Luckily he didn't fall! Sometime today Reese was getting into something and I asked him if he was asking for a death wish. Carson came up to me, "I want a dish will!" "No, Carson. A 'death wish.'" "Oh, I want a dish wish!"


Kayleen said...

Carson is so clever! What a fun little guy.

Terri said...

Looking at those pics of Carson and Reese in the tractor reminds of some pics I saw of John and Dave when they were little boys. So cute!