Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas Break and Beyond!

Yes, we've been watching a lot of Toy Story.

We had a great vacation with the Crandalls. We started off the Christmas right, by reenacting the Nativity. Good times.

Christmas Jammies
Carson is eating the reindeer's carrot. That kid love his veggies!
Christmas Morning
As you can see there was no shortage of presents!
Carson didn't really get into it. We didn't sleep well at all so our mornings were pretty rough.
Reese had a blast! He was really getting into it, ripping open presents and playing around.

We also spent some time at Schweitzer Resort in a relatives cabin right on
the hill. My favorite part was skiing with Ryan. It was so nice to get away and take our time! It felt like when we were first married (before kids)! These pictures don't do any justice to how beautiful it was!
Christmas Outfits
New Year's wasn't too eventful. We came to the conclusion that New Year's is totally over-rated. Especially when you're LDS, married, and have kids. So we just watched a movie, tried to stay awake and then immediately went to bed after the countdown. But New Year's Day the Cran Fam ran a 5 mile race!


Michelley said...

Love the collages! Love the boys matching blue sweaters. They are both SO ADORABLE!! And both so photogenic! I can't believe your little Reese is almost a year old already! Oh, and thanks for your comment the other day. I'm so glad I'm not alone. You explained what I'm feeling and going through perfectly. Wish we could still take them together to the park or 7 peaks! :-)

Melissa said...

So pretty much, everyone gets new PJ's in this country aye!!
Hmmmmmm I think I like it.
I might start........maybe.
Cute matching outfits.
Glad you got to hang out with the hubby.

The Larsons said...

Looks like tons of fun! We were skiing at Schweitzer too! SO beautiful indeed. So fun that you guys have something you both enjoy doing together. SUPER cute boys! Are there really OU fans in the Crandall fam?! Fun, active, way to ring in the New Year too! Love the matching tye-dye!