Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Reese's First Reese's


Reed, Julie , Macie, Branson & Allie said...

Very cute pictures! I just wanted you to know that I tried your pumpkin cookie recipe and we LOVED it, especially Reed. And last night we had some friends over for dinner and I tried out your pasta recipe...Everyone loved it! So thank you for sharing:)

Melissa said...

How did you do that first pic?
It's awesome.
So did he ever make it through the package?

Kayleen said...

My kind of guy. Likes chocolate and peanut butter. Cute little thing!

Shantelle said...

I love these photos! You should enter them in a photographer's contest or something.

Terri said...

Your photography is getting really great. It brings me right into the moment! And how DID you manipulate that first photograph? I want to learn how to do that. What program did you use? I just bought an Adobe product. Adobe offers a free 30 day trial that you can download, so I got to play with it for a little while before I bought it.

Anyway, either answer here or email me. Love what you're doing.

Fab Five said...

I use Elements 7 but I don't think I would recommend it. It's been pretty tough to figure out. For the first photo, you need to create a layer and then cut out or highlight the object you want to keep colored and turn the rest of the picture black and white. I would give you more detail but the program doesn't work on my computer, I have to wait until Ryan gets home with his laptop.

Terri said...

No problem. I understand what you mean about layers...well, theoretically. I read about them briefly on-line a while back, so now I guess I had better start trying to use them. Thanks!

Kim said...

Oh my gosh these are some of the most adorable pictures I've ever seen.

krystal said...

very, very good photos crandall. i love the first one and the third one most. you're awesome and he's so stinkin cute.