Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Halloween 2012

Great Halloween this year! Started off with pumpkin pancakes. Gotta remember that for next year... just add canned pumpkin and some cinnamon to pancake mix. Yummy and festive!
Don't mock my awesome pumpkin making skills :)

 I wanted to have everyone be candy bars this year but the boys are getting old to have their own opinion so that didn't happen. I'm secretly glad though that I didn't have to make 5 candy bar costumes! Reese was Spiderman for our ward party but then I made him be Reese's Pieces for trick or treating. I borrowed my costume from a friend and then quickly made Ryan's and when Reese saw me making Ryan's he wanted to be Reese's Pieces. I got this pillow awhile back so I cut it up so he could be Reese's Pieces. But of course when he saw Carson getting into his much cooler Spiderman costume, he changed his mind. So we had to compromise, Spiderman at the ward party, Reese's Pieces trick or treating. 
The weather was totally perfect for trick or treating too!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You guys are freak'n awesome.