Thursday, July 5, 2012


I finally took Gwen's one year pictures and you can see more of her cuteness HERE but for the family blog, I wanted to document her life...

This little lady is full of personality! She's a handful but in a good way. She drives me crazy but I'm so glad that she's busy and curious. Even though she loves attention, she doesn't like to perform. She'll rarely repeat what you want her to, she'll most likely respond "no." That's her favorite word. She says it constantly. Gwen loves her brothers and tries so hard to keep up with them. The three of them are really getting to be good friends. They play together really well. She's got great older brothers that look after her and are totally smitten with her. Carson and Reese are always repeating to us things she babbles or things she does. They think she's just the cutest, funniest thing. Carson will do anything for her, even throw away dirty diapers! Gwen has the cutest facial expressions. She loves to smile with her nose crinkled and she likes to purse her lips, most likely because she's just said or getting ready to say "no." And the little devil knows what it means! She knows what she does or doesn't want and there's no changing her mind! Those flips in her hair are natural and I'm still debating if their angel wings or devil horns. It just depends on the moment. :) She gets a lot of attention wherever we go but that's not a surprise because she's so stinkin' cute! We took the stair gate down because she's pretty much taught herself how to go down the stairs. I tried teaching her to go down on her belly but that just didn't work for her so she just decided to go down on her bum. She's really careful and controlled about it too. If she slips, she'll catch herself and say "woah." Gwen is a climber! I'll turn around and she'll be on top of the dining table laughing and smiling, knowing that she's in trouble. She loves music and she'll swing her hips side to side and it's just adorable. I've even caught her singing and dancing but then she got embarrassed and stopped. She's my pickiest eater and refuses to be fed. Every first bite she takes she makes a face. She has five teeth with two more on the way. She's fascinated by birds and airplanes. One of my favorite things is when she holds my finger while we walk. Gwen still loves to growl and constantly does her monster voice. She's spitfire and a sweetheart and there's nothing better than Gwenny hugs. We love having Gwen in our family!


Krysta McClure said...

She is precious, Jen! Great job!

Natalie said...

What a cutie!!

Melissa said...

She's a lucky girl to have you for a mum that's for sure.
I feel so bad that my kids don't have good pictures taken of them.
I think it's good for girls to be feisty it means they won't get pushed around.
I'm sad I don't know her.

Missy! said...

So cute. I love the pics of her on the stairs