Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nine months old!

Gwen started off as such a shy, timid little girl. Now she is such a ham! I’m not exactly sure what happened in the past nine months but she is just as busy, if not more so, than my boys were/are. How stupid of me to think that I might get a little “break” having a girl! She used to be the easiest, now she’s the hardest. Not that she’s difficult being whiny or needy, she’s just really busy and curious. But always happy! I think she had a continuous ear infection for about three months and once we finally got that taken care of she was a completely different girl. She’s always smiling. It’s so funny because she didn’t even crack a grin until she was like three months old and now she’ll smile at anyone just for looking at her! 

Gwen has officially taken her first steps. She can stand for about five+ seconds on her own. I’m actually a little surprised that she hasn’t started really walking yet. I guess that is one difference I’ve noticed that I think is a girl thing; she’s a little bit more timid letting go to start walking. She thinks about it first and then scares herself so she won’t let go. She’s gotten about three steps in at a time before falling. So far, she’s our earliest walker. She’s gone from sitting to standing a few times because she’s always in her hurdle position so that makes it pretty easy. She’s just not quite sure what to do once she gets up. 

String cheese and goldfish crackers are some of her favorite foods. But Gwen has been our pickiest eater. It’s a texture thing for her. She’s starting to imitate and will say “kiss” and “nigh, night”. She can even do Ensy, Weensy Spider somewhat. Gwen is becoming more of a daddy’s girl and I’m not sure how to feel about it. We are loving our Gwenny Penny more and more every day!


Krysta McClure said...

Walking?! We haven't even started crawling yet at this house. She really is a go getter! And cute, too!

Ashleigh said...

I swear she is a mini you!! So, so beautiful. :)