Monday, December 19, 2011

Seven months old

Gwen is a crawling machine! She's up on her hands and knees and she's pulling herself up on everything. The last few days she's even been attempting to let go after she pulls herself up! She's a champ at sitting up and goes from sitting to crawling/crawling to sitting like nobody's business. Gwen is always smiling, even when she's sick (which has been non-stop the last few months). She's really easy to figure out and really only gets fussy when she's tired, hungry, or wet. She's completely content as long as she has a few toys and something to climb on. It's the cutest thing when she pulls herself up because she gets the biggest grin and you can tell that she's just so proud of herself. We're already starting to see some tantrum-throwing though. If you take something away from her, watch out! We've been having a lot of rough nights lately, well, pretty much since we moved into our house. She's really only slept through the night a handful of times since living here (and before we moved she was sleeping 10-12 hours consistently). At first I just thought it was the transition and sleeping in a real bed but she's had plenty of time to adjust now. But the last few nights have been great so I'm starting to get optimistic! She's eating really well but she's still hasn't figured out how to swallow without sticking out her tongue. How do you teach a baby not to do that? Gwen is getting really good about feeding herself figure foods. Still no teeth in sight but I can't get enough of that cute gummy smile anyway. Her hair is getting long enough to put a little clippy in it. Oh and the cutest thing ever is when she waves goodbye! She's practicing her princess wave. So cute! She really is such a joy to have in our family!


Cameron Crandall said...

I'm cuter ....

Missy! said...

she is adorable!!

Krysta McClure said...

Crawling?! I think we are still a little bit away from that step... but we are sleeping through the night consistently! Amazing how one little thing can change everything!!!!! She is so cute, Jen!!!!

Melissa said...

In love maybe?
Love this post and how infatuated you are with her.
I'm glad she's doing well and hope her sleeping and sickness will get better fast.
Love you
Have a great Christmas.
What are you gonna do?

Julie said...

Cam is definitely NOT cuter!!! She truly is a precious sweetheart and the picture of her on her tummy melts my heart. Such a sweet, happy little spirit. We Love our Gwen!