Friday, October 1, 2010

In other news...

Carson started soccer last Saturday. It was pretty much what I expected... a lot of kids running around and Carson standing there with his thumb in his mouth.

He was really excited the day before but then he started to get nervous and said that he wasn't going to play, he was just going to watch the other kids play. When I told Ryan that he got a spot, he was elated! We had to stop what we were doing and go out and buy him soccer cleats right then. We went to a bunch of different stores until we found some that actually fit. Then on the way home Ryan asks me about uniforms. I'm like, Ryan, they're 3! He told me that this is a big deal for him and that he's been looking forward to this even before Carson was born. Then he told me how he remembers crystal clear the first time his dad got him a soccer ball for his birthday and how he took him in the backyard and taught him that in order to stop the ball you have to make your foot like a pillow. And that was a huge turning point for Ryan. So I guess I can't blame the man really. 
Back to the soccer "game."

After some pep talks from dad he started warming up to the idea.

 He got into it a little bit and was doing well but then I guess got tired and took a break...?
I think this was a bit of a disappointment for Ryan when he saw what it was really going to be like. I mean, there was a girl wearing a dress and tights on the team! Uniforms?... riiiiight...

This was Carson's goal...
 Mom, you watchin?
He made his mama proud!


Melissa said...

Oh poor Ryan.
Maybe Reese will be more aggressive.
We'll see I guess.
He's only three and it's only his first game.
He looks cute, does that count for anything?

Roxy said...

So fun! Payton will start next spring, I thought it would be too much for me and I am glad I did because between school, new baby, and life I am going crazy lately, to throw soccer into that would just make me fall off my rocker.
I love that Ryan and Carson have matching shirts :)

Becca Bingham said...

Oh the joys of teaching them the basics! I remember all the little tee ball games growing up from my younger siblings and watching the kids just run the bases and try and hit the ball not the tee! Good thing they improve!

Connie said...

A SOCCER STAR IS BORN!!! I agree with Ryan, this is a MILESTONE! What a GREAT time -- both for the dad and for the son!! You are vital from both a "documentary" and a "cheerleader" point of view!!I'm proud of you little mama! What a wonderful wife and mother you are!! Are you juggling Reese as you capture these precious moments as well?

Ashley said...

oh he looks so adorable in his little uniform, so cute! I love watching kids that age play soccer! Tell the coach to do a "victors tunnel" like in that conference talk today!

Isaak and Jackie said...

go Carson we love a man in uniform, or no uniform. :)

Tiffany and Gavin said...

What a little cutie!!! He looks great. World cup here you come!

Cameron and Vanessa said...

That is so funny about Ryan's reaction to his son "making the team." I can totally see Cameron doing that someday. I am glad Carson had a great time!