Friday, December 11, 2009

Carson Quote of the Day

I was sitting on the couch, nursing Reese, and this was my conversation with Carson:

C: Are you feeding Reese? Is he drinking milk?
J: Yup, he's hungry.
C: Oh, no, wait a minute. He's drinking Kool-Aid! There's Kool-Aid in there!


Melissa said...

That'd be nice if you did have cool aide in there and very handy for, you know stuff like functions, dinners, etc.

Amanda said...

Lucky for you (and Reese!) to have Kool Aid! :) That's so cute. He's just hoping for the best for his little brother of what he wants to drink!

krystal said...

cute carson, i miss him. come back to moscow soon so we can hang out again. hope you had a fun christmas and new year.