Saturday, May 30, 2009


Reese rolled over!!! He rolled from front to back twice but still has to back to front. He's getting there!

Funny story- There's FOURTEEN of us living at the Crandall house right now. We were all at the table eating dinner. Carson hasn't really had an appetite lately, typical two year old, so Ryan was trying to get him to eat his dinner. This is the conversation...

Ry: "Where's Daddy's french toast?"

C: "Right dere," pointing to the serving platter of french toast.

Ry: "No, Daddy's french toast is in his tummy. I put it in my mouth and now it's in my tummy. Can you put a bite of french toast in your tummy?"

C: "Okay." Then he picks up a bite, lifts up his shirt and tries to put it through his belly button. Yeah, I guess that makes sense to a two year old.


Natalie said...

Haha! I am glad you wrote that one down. SO cute!

Spudbiz said...

Jen that is hilarious!! Thanks for sharing all the fun stuff! It is something we all look forward to!

Sarah Ruth Ritchie said...

LOL... that is really funny. Carson is so cute!

The Larsons said...

What fun ages your boys are at! Looks like you guys have had some busy, fun, times with family! I get to go to seattle this summer with my sisters.... and hit a mariners game. It really is a fun atmosphere. We'll be in the Cd'A/Spokane area from 6/21-7/11. It would be fun to hang out with you guys if you're there!

Michelley said...

That is adorable!!