Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reese recited

Ryan and I took Reese out on a date. He wanted to go to "Applebeeps" and "Monster University."

Reese recited

I'm as cold as earth! I'm as cold as a woman in space!


Carson quote of the day

Helping me empty the dishwasher:

Look at my stack of cups! Ole!! 

He's come home with a whole new set of expressions since he's been going to school!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Carson quote of the day

After an hour if trying to convince Carson to eat his ravioli, he finally gave in and his response was, "Never misjudge ravioli."

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Giggling Gwen

This cutie pie is not a fan of breakfast food. She'll eat pancakes and waffles occasionally but every morning when we ask her what she wants for breakfast she always tell us things like chicken nuggets or corn dogs. I'm pretty sure if she was my first I'd be a little concerned. I'd probably try and make her eat breakfast food but since she's my third.... Chicken nuggets it is!