This cutie patutie is five months old today!
She is so sweet and easy going. The only time she cries is when she needs something like food or a diaper change. I'm glad she wasn't my first because I would've had a rude awakening thinking that all babies were this easy. Gwen is our little Mary Poppins because she's "practically perfect in every way." At her checkup she was 50th percentile in height, weight, and head circumference! Can you believe that?! We've started giving her rice cereal and so far she's not really feeling it...
I would hold off but she spits up so much that I gotta change something. That formula is liquid gold! I can't have her eat it just to puke it back up!
Well, she may not care for real food but she sure is stinkin cute!
And I just had to throw this one in there...
It's her "no way! I can't believe it!" face.