Monday, April 25, 2011

Reese Recited

I had a doctor's appointment today and took the boys along. They love when they take my blood pressure for some reason. And I don't really get it but Reese is always trying to put his feet in the stirrups, calling himself Harry Potter. Anyway, when the nurse was checking the baby's heart rate, Reese was standing on a chair next to me so he was up by my head. After the nurse was done he snuggled my head, gave me a  kiss and asked,

All better, Mommy? You're such a good boy!

Reese also thinks that there is a baby growing in his belly and he even showed the doctor by lifting up his shirt and exclaiming,

 My belly is getting bigger and bigger!


Missy! said...

What a little cutie! I hope he's not too disappointed he doesn't have a baby.

Melissa said...

I like Missy's comment.
So is everyone a boy?

Reed, Julie , Macie, Branson & Allie said...

Macie always thought there was a baby in her belly too!