Monday, April 11, 2011

Cruel and Unsual?

Like I mentioned, Reese learned how to climb out of his crib for the first time last night. To be honest, I'm surprised it took him this long to figure it out. Of course it turned into a big party upstairs for the boys and they were running around laughing and screaming and teasing each other. And of course every time Ryan or I went upstairs to tame the hooligans, we would put Reese back in his crib and that would last about 2.3 seconds before the party was back on. So Ryan had the idea for something dramatic to keep Reese in his crib (dun, dun, duuunnnn....).

Ryan turned off the lights for the hundredth time and waited around the corner on the stairs. With some coaxing from Carson, "Reese go over by the stairs" (he didn't know Ryan was waiting for him, he just wanted to see Reese get in trouble again), Reese climbed out of his crib and obediently followed Carson's command. Ryan timed if perfectly and turned on the lights and screamed "BOO!" Reese just about had a heart attack! He jumped sky-high and then got this heart-melting sob face and started to cry. Ryan felt horrible meanwhile I was trying my hardest not to bust a gut! Reese was a little hesitant to get out of his crib after that, but alas, he did... again and again. He didn't give up and go to bed until 11:00.

Ryan was worried that he had scarred him for life and that his relationship with Reese would forever be ruined. I don't even think Reese remembered this morning when he came bounding down the stairs with pride written all over his face.


Melissa said...

My vote is the spider thing. Maybe you could even get little plastic ones.
Mind you I share his phobia of spiders and that'd give me nightmares that might need counseling later on in my life.........hmmmmmmm He got over being frightened pretty quick though right?
I'm glad kids are quick to forgive.

Ashleigh said...

ha ha ha!! I say you get one of those crib tent things! :)

Patrick and Hollie Davis said...

Jenny that was so hilarious! Your kids are so cute and I love the quote, "Kill that spider with a light saber!" I can't get enough of that little Reese, what a darling face he is!

Isaak and Jackie said...

I have heard the crib tents work great. Rough night for the parents but so fun for the boys!

Rachel said...

It's so "fun" when they learn how to get out on their own. I don't have any words of wisdom to offer . . . Good luck!