Monday, April 25, 2011

BYU Graduation

The drive down to Provo was actually not too bad. The boys were absolutely! Jeff, Julie, and Adam all crammed into our van and I think it helped the boys having everyone there. I know Ryan really appreciated the help driving! I had debated whether or not to make the trek for about 3 or 4 months. I really wanted to walk and I thought it was important for the boys to see but I really didn't want to drive that far 8 months pregnant. But like I said, it turned out to be a great trip! Richard G. Scott spoke at Commencement on Thursday and then we went out with the Crandalls to dinner at Tucanos. Friday was Convocation and afterward we went out to dinner with the Clawsons to Carabbas (Ryan worked there for a while when we lived in Provo).

This was the first time we had been back in Provo since we moved and it was a weird feeling, kinda like deja vu. We didn't even go and see our old house! We were just too busy but we'll be down there in June again when Ryan's sister gets married.

I felt like I didn't look as pregnant wearing the gown, but the pictures have proven me totally wrong. I looked humongous! At least the gown fit, right!?
Both boys feel asleep during Convocation. Can't blame them though. Wish I could've!
You don't really have to look to hard to see the gigantic pregnant woman walking across the stage.
 It was a lot of waiting and standing and walking and sitting but totally worth it. Carson and Reese did awesome sitting through all of the meetings and cheering me on. Carson said that once I got my diploma then I would win! My mom bought my a flower lei and Carson kept telling me how beautiful I looked and how I would be so much more beautiful if I would take off the silly hat. And you wouldn't believe that it actually looked like spring down there! Everything was blossoming and green, I had almost forgot what spring was supposed to look like. But every time we drove somewhere Carson would point out all the popcorn trees. And of course, Reese is always happy and adorable. The first time he tried on my cap he said, "I look like a girl!"

I don't know if you're into the Jimmer craze but he just graduated too and we saw him twice. He walked by while we were eating at Tucanos and then he sat right behind us when we were having lunch at Zupas. So that's our claim to fame. :)

The drive home was even better than the drive down, which almost never happens. It went by fast and I didn't get as sore and swollen. It gave me some hope for the drive down in June, but then again, we'll have three kids by then!


Ashleigh said...

You look beautiful! That is so exciting to be all done with school. :) Whats funny is I have some other friends who were down there and were at lunch at Zupas at the same time and they got their pics taken with Jimmer. So crazy! :)

Reed, Julie , Macie, Branson & Allie said...

Congrats! I didn't know you were graduating, that's awesome!

Melissa said...

Who's Jimmer?
Congrats Jenny, this is a huge accomplishment and you should be very proud, you're right, it is good for your children as well to see this.
I'm glad you went and since the drives were great it was meant to be right?

Kari-Lynn said...

congrats...that's an amazing accomplishment!!!

Roxy said...

Congrats!!! Isn't it a great relief and sense of accomplishment. I am so proud of you for sticking to it, I know sometime it feels easier if you were to just give up and stop, but now you're done! Congrats again and I'm glad the drive was good both ways.

Brynn said...

YAY Jenny! So proud of you, what a great example of being such a wonderful mother and finishing education. I admire you!

Cierra::The Yellow House said...

I'm with Brynn. . .you are such a great example! Congrats on your graduation!!

Ashley said...

congrats! what a feeling of accomplishent. Way to go

Nayomee said...

Happy Late Birthday! Also way to go. That is the best feeling when you are waiting for your name to be called! Good job!

Brynne said...

Happy Birthday and graduation!! That is awesome...way to go!